My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Black Warrant Should Be Answered with a Courier

 1.  What is a Black Warrant and why has one been issued against you?

Answer:  A Black Warrant, in this case, is a secret warrant which is approved at the highest level, in this situation by President Biden, granting government permission to kidnap, torture and kill a law-abiding and highly honorable whistleblower wrongfully deemed a "national security threat" by the three-letter agencies.

2.  How has a Black Warrant been issued against you?  On what basis?

Answer:  Well, if we lived in a democracy, I could tell you the charges that had been leveled against me.  By contrast, in a totalitarian system such as that we are now experiencing due to the corruption of the FBI, CIA and others, false evidence is presented through a secret court system with no opportunity for rebuttal.  However, in general, Black Warrants are issued for terrorists, and the whole process of "extraordinary rendition" was approved by George Bush in the wake of 9/11 through the Patriot Act.

3.  Did anybody think at that time that the government would later be wrongfully issuing Black Warrants in order to profiteer from the kidnap and murder of virtuous American whistleblowers?

Answer:  I think the FBI and CIA likely had totalitarian objectives all along.  So, yes, they had thought it through.  These people wanted the ability to silence those who told the truth about them.  And, in the Patriot Act, they were granted that power.  Afterwards, the United States repeatedly attempted to justify its own human rights violations.  So, we never successfully understood or identified the greatest risk to the democracy, which had become an insider threat.

4.  What is the real "national security threat" that you represent?

Answer:  The real threat is that I can tell the truth about the manner in which the government is profiteering from funds awarded in my name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, about which these Offices have still failed to communicate with me, despite their legal and ethical obligation to do so.  And I would like to make clear that I do not believe those failures are originating with investigators, by any means.

5.  Where are they originating?

Answer:  My impression is that the obstruction is originating in the White House, the FBI and the CIA.

6.  Are funds being withdrawn from your accounts with the express permission of President Biden?

Answer:  If awards in my name are being invaded, they are being withdrawn at the express directive of the President, yes.

7.  So, is it true that the same man who is profiting most from your harm is also the man who has approved of a wrongful "Black Warrant" against you?

Answer:  Honestly, I don't know whether President Biden or Brandan Pesa is profiting more.  I don't have that view into the activities surrounding these accounts.  But yes, President Biden stands in the remarkable position of having approved of a Black Warrant against me, and potentially my family members and MG as well, and at the same time, authorizing the withdrawal of funds awarded in my name.

8.  President Biden and Brandan Pesa, who is a leading member of Russian organized crime within the United States, are said to maintain a "special relationship."  Is that correct?

Answer:  That is what I am told, yes.

9.  And is it President Biden who has failed to halt the torture of your family members?  Is it President Biden who has failed to withdraw the instruction for your sons to cause you direct harm?

Answer:  It is.

10.  Does Vice President Harris agree with President Biden's corrupt choices regarding these matters?

Answer:  I do not believe so, no.  I believe she actively disagrees with them.  And I would also like to point out that the lead investigator within the OIG Hotline and the Honorable Avril Haines are, I believe, attempting to address this issue with the highest ethics they are allowed, given the hierarchy by which they are bound.

11.  Is President Biden definitely corrupt, or is there the possibility that he is merely incapacitated?

Answer:  I don't have a front row seat to the daily discussions within the Oval Office, but it is clear that there has been a capacity problem concerning President Biden in the past.  Decisions have taken a long, long time to be made by this White House, precisely because there is a power vacuum where our Commander in Chief is now standing.  It may be fair to say that there has been an abdication of fundamental responsibility regarding the leadership required of our President.  Into this vacuum, Brandan Pesa has emerged as a powerful criminal who appears to be dictating the daily governance of our country.

12.  Yet, there has been extensive self-dealing in this matter, has there not?

Answer:  The FBI appears to claim so, and I'm sure they are correct.  And I mainly feel that way, because I still do not have my Freedom of Information Act reports or the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline or the ODNI.

13.  Didn't Vice President Kamala Harris take a courageous stand in requesting that those reports be released to you urgently?

Answer:  I believe she did.  Yes.  And I need to emphasize how much I appreciate that courage, and how much I recognize it as akin to my own.

14.  Did she point out that the reports must be provided to you because you have requested them as pertinent to a capital trial currently unfolding in the state of Idaho?

Answer:  I believe so.  And I believe she is entirely correct in this assessment, and further, that the OIG Hotline and the ODNI support her judgment in this matter.

15.  Yet, through no fault of the Vice President, you did not receive the reports.

Answer:  No, I did not.  I instead received an apparent demand from Brandan Pesa and the FBI for 100 billion dollars.

16.  How did you respond?

Answer:  By writing about it in the hope that the Vice President would find a way to convey the reports to me urgently and directly, bypassing the predatory criminals involved in this situation altogether.

17.  What are the chances that that can now occur?

Answer:  Brandan Pesa and the FBI appear to state that there is no chance.

18.  So the FBI has succeeded in dismantling FOIA altogether?

Answer:  Yes, it appears so, according to the FBI.

19.  What a tragedy for our nation, if this is true!

Answer:  I agree wholeheartedly.

20.  Is the FBI simply plucking material addressed to you out of the mail?

Answer:  They claim to be, yes.  They also claim to be editing the contents.

21.  If you were responsible for the conveyance of this material, what would you do?

Answer:  I would hire a courier, as I have previously stated.

22.  Would you now reinstate your offer of a $10,000 reimbursement for secure conveyance of the material on an immediate basis?  By August 19, 2024?

Answer:  I would, yes.

23.  Will you reinstate that offer below, in order to allow every chance of success in this matter?

Answer:  Yes, I will.

24.  Is there anything more you would like to express at this moment?

Answer:  I would like to express my thanks to Vice President Kamala Harris, to OIG Hotline Investigators, to ODNI investigators and to the Honorable Avril Haines for their ethical engagement with this issue, their courage in defense of our democracy, and their ongoing efforts.

25.  Thank you for your time this morning.

Answer:  You are quite welcome.

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, the offer of a $10,000 reimbursement of costs for secure conveyance of FOIA materials and investigative reports into my possession was extended in April of 2024 and again in June of 2024.  It is now being reprised herewith, provided a delivery by August 19, 2024.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, because I know that the costs of fulfilling FOIA requests are typically borne by requesters, I hereby confirm that I will pay up to $10,000 in reimbursement of costs relating to the successful and complete fulfillment of all materials pursuant to my FOIA request if they arrive safely in my hands by August 19, 2024.

If materials demonstrate tampering, or redaction or omission that are unapproved by the OIG Hotline, however, the full costs of provision are to be paid by the FBI.

I believe a courier, assigned by your Office, with email or phone confirmation to me regarding this person's identity and arrival time, together with all of the other security precautions delineated below, are likely necessary in this case.  

I respectfully request that my FOIA reports be accompanied by investigative results from your Office, along with that of the ODNI.  As you know, all of these materials are necessary for me to serve as a witness in a capital trial in the state of Idaho.  Due to their pertinence in this death penalty court proceeding, it is incumbent upon all to provide information to me in its entirety, without redaction or omission.

I appreciate your conveying all materials to me, as well as your making direct contact with me within this time period.

Thank you for allowing me to express these details.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

The following content was originally published on my blog on April 14, 2024.  The security precautions recommended within its text still hold as my recommendations regarding the conveyance of materials from the OIG Hotline to my possession.

1.  You were informed that materials responsive to your FOIA request were mailed to you through the U.S. Postal Service.

Answer:  Yes, I was.

2.  What happened after that?

Answer:  The FBI allegedly pulled that certified copy from the mail quite easily and began redacting its contents.

3.  Given the FBI's past actions in this regard, was this event predictable?

Answer:  I believe it was, yes.  It was likely both predictable and predicted.

4.  The FBI has extensive access to the USPS, FedEx and UPS.  If you were responsible for conveying high priority content under these circumstances, what would you do?

Answer:  I would place some hard-to-duplicate watermarks or other rare identifiers on the pages themselves.  Then I would hire a high level courier and put him or her on a plane with explicit delivery instructions.  Then, I would contact the intended recipient to inform her that, at 3;00 PM on such and such a date, materials with the following identifiers, seal, certifications, and markings would be in her hands, and upon receipt, she should call a given office and individual immediately to verify legitimacy and completeness of the contents.

5.  That sounds fairly involved.

Answer:  These are the steps that are likely necessary, and these are the steps that I would take.

To do less than this is probably to guarantee failure.

6.  Was the government pressured to say that the FOIA request had been mailed?

Answer:  I believe there was advocacy from Congress, yes -- advocacy for which I remain extremely grateful.

7.  But standard means of delivery, even with a certified copy, were insufficient.

Answer:  They were insufficient, yes.

8. Should there be another send of this material, employing the measures you recommended?

Answer:  I believe there should be, and on an immediate basis.

The FBI can, given enough time, duplicate or bypass any security measures.  But, if the security markings are rare, complex, multiple, and take time to reproduce, a courier on a plane can arrive before sufficient forgery time has elapsed.

This is a situation that is important enough that materials should not be handed to the courier until the gate check at the airport.

On arrival, his or her location can easily be tracked.

Requiring the courier to wear a Boblov camera that is recording at all times for later review would lend itself to needed transparency as well.  These devices offer fifteen hours of continuous footage.

On delivery, the courier would turn around, board a return plane, and surrender the camera to an Office staff member of impeccable integrity at the airport for review, and to ensure that there are no gaps in footage.

This is doable.

9.  In the absence of these measures?

Answer:  In the absence of these efforts, tangible information regarding the FBI's knowing perpetration of falsified law enforcement reporting will continue to be suppressed.

10.  You believe extraordinary efforts to ensure the security of this mailing are justified.

Answer:  The democracy is worth extraordinary efforts.  So, yes.  They are not only justified, they are necessary and transformative.

11.  Given the threats of forgery of the certified copy that was already mailed, should the OIG Hotline wait until you receive it to send a complete copy with the security provisions delineated above?

Answer:  No, I don't believe so.  Another complete copy with vastly enhanced security provisions described here should be produced and sent right away.

12.  Will you inform us if you receive any materials whatsoever?

Answer:  I will.

Lane MacWilliams

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