My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy July 4th, 2024

The sovereignty of humanity is currently being redefined, and many of these determinations are being made outside of the public view, for reasons that are unavoidable.

The confluence of AI's emergent influence over everything from climate change to financial systems, together with increasing control over news sources and social media in the rising dissemination of disinformation will likely mean that the public as a whole will, over time, know less about world events, less about their communities, and less about the future.

Even so, human freedoms -- and our understandable yearning for them -- live most poignantly and urgently in the context of individual sovereignty, in our power to know and celebrate our loved ones and ourselves.

If we can succeed in retaining the ability to view the world through our own sovereign eyes, make up our own sovereign minds about everyone we meet, and make our major life choices through an exercise of our own sovereign will, then human freedoms will endure in the ways that matter most -- which is to say, in the preservation of the independent progress that resides at the heart of all human potential.

The existence of the human soul is perhaps less in dispute than the question of its purpose.  But it is worth pointing out that the human soul, too, lives in sovereign territory, with its own progress and capacity and worth hidden from all but its owner.

While not all truths can be a matter of public discourse or debate, we can appreciate the mystery of the human experience independently, and so, too, can we meet the world with a determination to make up our own minds about those issues that matter most to us.

Perhaps the greatest danger lies in turning to leaders who might espouse a freedom that translates to our diminishment instead.   Can the public tell the difference between an illusion of freedom and the real thing?

I think they can.

Yet it is more necessary than ever for us to ask our leaders to uphold our own sovereignty as vigorously as they do their own.

Certainly, we are right to ask that our leaders uphold the most courageous among us, together with their families, refusing to allow dangerous manifestations of falsified law enforcement reporting and the myriad harms that can accompany them.

Rather, courageous Americans must be safeguarded and protected and, within certain bounds, encouraged to articulate the new shape of freedom toward which we all are now making our way, consciously or unknowingly, articulately or silently, in the history of human sovereignty and the human potential that depends upon it.

Our capacity for greatness now depends, and will always depend, on our insistence that human freedoms, in their most meaningful manifestation, endure.

And since greatness is the path intended for us, we cannot now leave our sovereign hopes behind.

Lane MacWilliams

** Please note that this essay acknowledges the need for confidentiality regarding certain aspects of human progress and societal governance.  Sovereignty is not to be misinterpreted as public disclosure of certain concerns.  Rather it is here defined as the capacity for independent assessment and free will, which may find their expression on an individual and private level.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Sleeping Giant Still Rules in the Face of the Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity

What was my impression of the Supreme Court ruling this week?  This represents a marked departure from our previous expectations that our President is accountable to the rule of law.  But I will also point out that Presidential immunity is by no means universal, even under the current ruling.  A sitting President who targets a law-abiding citizen gratuitously and repeatedly, with an intent to profit from her demise, may be held to account under the legal prerogative of the next administration.  So, no President should feel that he has carte blanche with which to abuse legal standards as they apply to the nation as a whole.  

Beyond this, the public possesses an inherent and rigorous sense of fairness that no President should risk offending.

It is technically lawful for a person to stand on the side of a swimming pool and watch while a child drowns, doing nothing to intervene.  But the public would find this inaction so monstrous as to shun the offender for all time.  And whether the offender were the mayor of the city or the flower arranger on Main Street, it really wouldn't matter.

So, too, with a President who, through action or inaction, fails to serve the citizenry faithfully.

Fundamentally, will the public feel that a President should uphold the Freedom of Information Act if he has the power to do so in a timely way?

I think they will.

But of course it is best to inquire with the public to find out.

I think of equal concern to the Supreme Court ruling this week is the reaction to it.  We need to ensure that those who are eschewing hypothetical kingly privileges publicly are not exercising those kingly prerogatives privately at the same time.

The Supreme Court was discussing the potential for a President to order the assassination of a political rival, for example, but what if a President is ordering the assassination of a citizen who is unhappy with his actions?  How big a step is it between this crime and that of a President who is ordering the deaths of many citizens who are unhappy with his actions?  I think the implications of a President who is hiding the manner in which he is targeting the electorate itself are profound, and they are no less profound when committed by someone who articulates an ostensible love for democracy.  In some ways, the crime is more severe when it's coming from a leader who sets out to dupe the public about his commitment to their freedoms.

If the public's freedoms are going to be limited in some manner, I would rather have a President who is honest and forthcoming about those boundaries.

Otherwise, the public may develop a profound distrust of those in the political sphere, and under those circumstances, the electorate may gravitate toward those leaders who speak with more certainty, clarity and sincerity.

The Supreme Court ruling concerning Presidential immunity should not comfort those who are expressing one belief system in front of the cameras and manifesting another behind closed doors.

The American electorate is in many ways a sleeping giant.  If that giant awakes in condemnation, a sitting President may not experience immunity for his actions.  Quite the opposite.

So, I believe it is necessary for sitting Presidents to ensure that their public words and their private directives are aligned.  And certainly those who are presenting themselves publicly as servant leaders need to demonstrate that they know what such leadership means in defending honorable members of the American electorate.  Without that coherence and courage, the public will simply turn away.

I would like to emphasize that the public trust is a gift that a sitting President must never take for granted or betray.

Americans are a hardy, resilient, formidable people, and they are unlikely to forget those instances in which their trust was violated by a President who felt they would never know the facts.

Americans will know the facts of a sitting President's conduct.  And so will the world.

Lane MacWilliams

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Important Email for the OIG Hotline and Concerned Others Re: FBI Claims of Responsibility for Developing Wound, First Sustained on June 17/18 of 2024

 OIG Hotline, the following email, transcribed here for the purposes of including redactions, in addition to facilitating ease of readability, was sent to your attention within at 12:08 PM today, July 2, 2024, bearing the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and Concerned Others Re: Progression of "Spider Bite" Wound, Claimed by the FBI as Communication of a "Designer Illness" Intended to Be Fatal.

Please access the original communication at your earliest possible opportunity, due to to safety and security concerns on my part given the nature of the contents.

Thank you very much for your ethical engagement in this matter.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams


Sent to the attention of the OIG Hotline and Concerned Others Within:


Date: July 2, 2024 at 12:08 PM

Subject Heading: ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and Concerned Others Re: Progression of "Spider Bite" Wound, Claimed by the FBI as Communication of a "Designer Illness" Intended to Be Fatal

OIG Hotline, please be informed that the apparent "spider bite" between the third and fourth fingers of my left hand, sustained on the night of June 17th/18th of 2024 has not yet healed properly.  The FBI appeared to take credit for some type of bolus of material injected subcutaneously through an insect vector according to their claim.  I don't know whether they were claiming that the bolus consisted of bacterial or viral material.  I have attempted to treat it in several ways, but it is clear that this particular assault has provoked some type of immune response, and this area is still reddened, weeping and uncomfortable.  The problematic area involving the original wound in increasing in size, not decreasing, and my discomfort is following suit.

The area does not photograph well, as the primary nodule is approximately the size of a pea, hidden beneath the surface of the skin at this point.  It is both itchy and sore, and does weep lymphatic fluid multiple times per day.

At this time, I am attempting to treat the area with colloidal silver, which is primarily antibacterial, several times a day.  At the time that this wound appeared, the FBI appeared to be claiming that it had injected some type of designer illness that could not be treated, except through advanced means known to the agency itself.

Specifically, the FBI appears to be claiming that the pathogen contained within this bolus is something called XXXX.  The agency appears to claim that I will die from this agent or pathogen if it is not promptly treated.

Of concern, the FBI appears to claim that it received high-level authorization to disseminate this pathogen to me from the XXXXXXXXXXX.  Allegedly, according to the FBI, the specific intent was to take my life and following that, to profit from awards and penalties assessed in my name by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI pertaining to the FBI's and the CIA's perpetration of knowingly falsified law-enforcement reporting for anti-democratic objectives.

Of further concern, the FBI has appeared to claim that it will attempt to justify taking my life on the basis of the fact that I have contracted some rare and unknown illness that serves as a threat to the public welfare.

The FBI has identified for me the medical institution which is alleged to have assisted the agency in the preparation of this pathogen, which the FBI has identified as XXXX.  I am withholding the name of that medical institution for the time being, due to the fact that is participation will no doubt be required in addressing this unusual assault, in addition to previous alleged harms which I incurred in the Emergency Department of a local medical entity on April 26, 2024.

The FBI has repeatedly stated to me that any medical care I seek at this time should be considered by me as a "way to die," expressing that it is the FBI's intention and that of others to cause me grievous bodily harm in a medical setting directed to do so.

I will be publishing this information on my blog, with the identifier of the specific pathogen redacted, and certain other redactions.

Having said that, I will be preparing a letter to the medical institution which is alleged to be responsible for the preparation of this pathogen, and which similarly possesses the alleged capacity to cure it.

Under these circumstances, I would respectfully request that President Biden and Vice President Harris together step in on my behalf to ensure that curative medical treatment for this particular pathogen, and all other illnesses caused by the FBI (the only ones I have), may be immediately accessed, with no further harm incurred.

Certainly, under these circumstances, the conveyance of my FOIA reports and the investigative reports into my possession has become an urgent matter. Delays in conveying this information to me have placed my life and the lives of my loved ones at imminent risk.  This is not accidental.

The FBI has been granted too much time in which to cause egregiously threatening physical harms to my loved ones and myself.  This is the reason why the prompt and urgent provision of materials responsive to Freedom of Information Act requests must be seen as more than a bureaucratic or administrative matter.  It must be seen as what it is:  a matter of life and death.

In knowing this, it is incumbent upon President Biden and Vice President Harris to support the immediate release of my FOIA reports and the investigations associated with them.  I ask for Congress' support in ensuring that these fundamental duties of government are respected and preserved.  As everyone now knows, these reports pertain to an active capital trial in the state of Idaho, and must be provided to me under the law on that basis alone.

President Biden spoke movingly and articulately yesterday about the need for the President of the United States to uphold and adhere to the rule of law.

He acknowledged in that speech my profound belief that our democracy can only survive if our most powerful leaders uphold their responsibility to the Constitution and the human right of the citizenry..

I was heartened to hear his words, as I'm sure the nation was.

Now, I will be heartened by his and Vice President Harris' vigorous defense and insistence on my complete medical restoration.

Thank you for allowing me to document with your Office these most serious and immediate concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Monday, July 1, 2024

Taking the Reins of Leadership

 1.  You received some concerning news this morning regarding knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting about you and/or your family which the White House has not yet disallowed.

Answer:  I did, yes.  The FBI appeared to allege that a series of falsified reports, with falsified evidence and falsified witness statements regarding "espionage" allegations, have not yet been disallowed by President Biden.

2.  And this omission immediately endangers your life and your loved ones' lives, doesn't it?

Answer:  It absolutely does.  I have expressed previously how critical it is that knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting being produced and aggregated by the FBI and its affiliates should be immediately disallowed through White House guidance to the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.  Without this, we can easily be killed by corrupt members of the FBI initiatives previously named for the OIG Hotline.

3.  There is a suggestion by the FBI that the funds awarded in your name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI are now approaching one trillion dollars.  But there is also the suggestion that the White House is instructing that those awards be concealed.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  All of Congress knows about those awards, so I think this is a difficult matter to conceal from view completely.  Beyond this, OIG Hotline investigators and ODNI investigators are people of truth, principle and integrity who have built their whole careers around upholding the rule of law.  I don't think they're likely to throw away their ethics, even at the directive of potentially compromised White House staff, even at the directive of a Commander in Chief who may be controlled in some important respects by the far right at this time.

4.  Separate and apart from promised financial rewards distributed upon your alleged planned-for demise by corrupt FBI leadership and President Biden, what are the levers of control the FBI is currently allegedly wielding over the President?

Answer:  The President's son has just been prosecuted for a weapons charge that is rarely tried.  His sentencing will likely occur in October, several weeks prior to election day.  And he could serve up to twenty-five years, according to sentencing guidelines.  

5.  You are suggesting that the FBI is currently exerting influence over court proceedings?

Answer:  I'm not suggesting it. I know it to be true.  FBI personnel routinely communicate with judges over court dates, court proceedings, court rulings and court sentencing.  This represents a terrible threat to our democracy, but various administrations have sat by while these communications in some courts, not all, have translated to undue influence.  

6.  You believe there are others who may attempt to influence the judge in the sentencing of the Hunter Biden case.

Answer:  I will simply say that it is documented that there have been many more threats and bribes extended toward American judges than ever before.  The primary agency responsible for protecting judges against those threats?  The FBI.  We really don't have a system in place for protecting judges when the source of the threats and bribes is a federal law enforcement agency.

7.  You are equally alarmed and fatigued by the White House's alleged hesitancy in immediately disqualifying falsified law enforcement reporting against you and your family, especially in light of the FBI's manipulation guiding your husband to purchase a new Wifi modem which is alleged to make it much easier for the FBI to co-opt your IP addresses in order to send falsified communications through online impersonation of you and your husband.

Answer:  The falsified reporting needs to be decisively halted by the Commander in Chief.  Beyond this, we need the FOIA reports, along with the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, together with full disclosure of the settlements and penalties.

8.  Why are all of these materials so critical?

Answer:  Because without them our lives are forfeit.

9.  Does President Biden know that without the provision of these materials, a provision which is required by law, your lives are forfeit?

Answer:  The FBI appears to be asserting that the White House is well aware.

10.  What do you make of the FBI's assertions that President Biden knowingly misappropriated funds awarded in your name by directing that forged documents, purporting to be from you, be prepared and given to the OIG Hotline and the ODNI?

Answer:  I have no direct knowledge of those alleged events.

11.  If they did occur, would it explain the failure to date of the White House to provide you with your FOIA reports, and the reports of investigators within the OIG Hotline and the ODNI?  

Answer:  That is possible.  If there was malfeasance on the part of President Biden in collusion with the FBI, especially with an intent to profit from the death of a highly honorable whistleblower, the White House may now find itself unable to provide materials required to be given to me by law without implicating itself through its own actions.

12. If that were to be the case, what should President Biden do?

Answer:  If that were true, the President should step aside and allow Vice President Harris to lead.  President Biden could dedicate his Party delegates to Vice President Harris at the Democratic Convention and gracefully bow out of a subsequent term.

13.  There could also be an open convention, potentially.

Answer:  That would be for others to evaluate.  But I can say with confidence that I believe Vice President Harris has the ethics, integrity, wisdom and judgement to lead this nation in the manner we need.

14.  You would support her as President.

Answer:  Enthusiastically.

15.  You are expressing your views based on allegations from the FBI that President Biden has repeatedly, willfully and knowingly broken the law with regard to your case, and may still be doing so in failing to disallow falsified reporting presented to him by the FBI, thus placing your lives at imminent risk.

Answer:  Yes, I am.

16.  You don't have proof that those allegations are well-founded.

Answer:  Congress has proof.  Hakeem Jeffries has proof.  And so do many others.

17.  You are not under the impression that Congress as a whole would be happy about a President who arranged for the murder of an honorable American whistleblower, even in return for a prize of a trillion dollars.

Answer:  No, I am not.  No one wants to be led by avarice.  And in a democracy, it simply cannot happen.  The minute we relinguish our courage, our fortitude, our ethics, our very souls -- we also relinquish the freedom of the nation, the sovereignty of our people, the faith in our worthy future.

18.  So, if President Biden has violated the law in your case, as the FBI alleges, you would encourage him to step aside for another Democratic Presidential candidate for the November 2024 election.

Answer:  If he has violated the law in my case, yes, I would urge him to step aside for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.  I would also recommend that he immediately recuse himself to allow Vice President Kamala Harris to make all judgements and determinations with regard to my case and that of my family.  She herself could determine that reports be immediately provided to me, as required by the law.

19.  Without this recusal, his conflicts of interest would be too great.

Answer:  Yes, they would.

20.  Can the Democratic Party rise to this circumstance and lead with integrity through Congress, the Vice President, the OIG Hotline and the ODNI?

Answer:  It can, yes.  And we need to support all of these good people in taking the reins of leadership and in wielding them well.

21.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

Request for Ethical Leadership from the White House

 OIG Hotline, the communication below has been sent to your attention within, with a time/date stamp of today, July 1, 2024 at 7:18 AM.

Please access the original documentation at your earliest opportunity.

As always, I deeply appreciate your engagement with this matter, so critical to the future life of our democracy.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams