My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Important Documentation Pertaining to Statement of Appeal Dated September 16, 2024

 OIG Hotline, this important communication incorporating documentation into my Statement of Appeal dated today, September 16, 2024, was sent to your Office's attention within at 10:51 AM Pacific time today.

Because it references a significant volume of material to be included in today's Statement of Appeal, I respectfully request that it be accessed as soon as possible.

In gratitude for your ongoing efforts on my behalf,

Lane MacWilliams

Request for Injunctive Relief

 OIG Hotline, I have sent four communications to your Office's attention this morning pertaining to a Request for Injunctive Relief from the High Court.  These communications bear the following subject headings and date/time stamps.  I request that they be given urgent priority, please, as the safety of my children and MG depends on their adjudication.  I would also respectfully request that your investigative findings in my favor, as well as those of the ODNI, be presented to the Court for their review pertaining to my family's and MG's need for safety, and my as-yet-unfulfilled right to examine all materials pursuant to my Freedom of Information Act requests, as well as investigative reports from your Office and ODNI Investigations.

  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Part#1, Confidential, sent at 3:45 AM on September 16, 2024
  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Part #2,  Confidential Re: Original Writ of Mandamus Petition, October 2021, sent at 7:03 AM on September 16, 2024
  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Part #3, The Necessity of an Independent Judiciary, sent at 3:47 AM on September 16, 2024
  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Party #4 Confidential Re: Communication to SCCSC: Writ of Mandamus hearing date must be 25 days or less from filing, according to CCCP 1094.8, sent at 3:44 AM on September 16, 2024
  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Part 5, Confidential Re: Full Disclosure of Investigative Findings, Settlements and Penalties, sent at 5:02 AM on September 16, 2024
  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Part #6, Confidential Re: Request to Kamala Harris to Halt the Inner Ear Insertion of Communications Devices for My Sons and MG, sent at 5:38 AM on September 16, 2024
  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Part #7 Confidential Re: Assistance in Moving to a Safe Residence Following Pxxxxxxx Dissemination, sent at 6:13 AM on September 16, 2024
  • ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 16, 2024, Part #8 Confidential Re: Prohibition of Surveillance, sent at 7:00 AM on September 16, 2024

I regret that it has taken me this long to understand that I might have a proactive capacity in requesting injunctive relief from the High Court.

Certainly, with the open communication with your Office that should have been facilitated long ago, this would have become apparent to me much sooner.

Please allow me to express my gratitude to all who are standing in defense of the illumination of the FBI's perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting against the honorable American public.

I know what it takes to stand on these front lines, and so does my family, which has suffered so greatly at the hands of the corrupt.

Thank you to everyone who wishes to see the Freedom of Information Act upheld in this case, as well as the preservation of normal judicial standards pertaining to the sharing of investigative reports with complainants upon the conclusion of original investigations.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Important Documentation Pertaining to Statement of Appeal Dated September 15, 2024

OIG Hotline, this important communication incorporating documentation into my Statement of Appeal dated today, September 15, 2024, was sent to your Office's attention within at 12:51 PM Pacific time.

Because it references a significant volume of material to be included in today's Statement of Appeal, I respectfully request that it be accessed as soon as possible.

In gratitude for your ongoing efforts on my behalf,

Lane MacWilliams


My Husband's Appointment with Klara Turner, September 15, 2024

 This is to document that my husband has an 10:30 AM appointment for a haircut on the morning of September 15, 2024, with paid FBI informant Klara Turner.  Because Ms. Turner has been coerced into providing falsified witness statements in the past regarding my family, it seems prudent to document this schedule here.

Out of an abundance of caution, the full extent of dialogue between my husband and Klara Turner will be documented.  This information can be made available to OIG Hotline investigators upon request.

For reference, my husband will not have his cell phone visible during his appointment with Ms. Turner.

Previous threats of falsified witness statements from Ms. Turner and additional harms perpetrated at the directive of FBI personnel are presumed to remain a concern.

Thank you for allowing me to document this risk potential.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Alleged Classification of My Documents By Executive Order

 OIG Hotline, please access the following document within at your earliest opportunity:

ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Statement of Appeal, September 15, 2024, Confidential Re: Alleged Classification of My Documents by Executive Order, sent on September 15, 2024 at 6:33 AM and 7:19 AM Pacific time.

Due to the fact that a blanket classification of my documents could render me vulnerable to law enforcement raid at any time, with all of its attendant risks, I respectfully request that any such action be urgently appealed.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Statement of Appeal Documentation, September 14, 2024

 OIG Hotline, forty-six parts of my new Statement of Appeal, dated today, September 14, 2024, have now been forwarded to your attention within my gmail account, with time stamps between 1:06 PM and 2:25 PM Pacific time.  

Because I do not know the specific false accusations being extended toward my husband and myself, I am attempting to be comprehensive in material to include within this document.

With appreciation for your presence and support, as always,

Lane MacWilliams

Texts to My Sons, Redacted, September 14, 2024

OIG Hotline, please be apprised that this communication was deleted from my email this morning by a third party without my foreknowledge, participation or consent:

OIG Hotline, please be apprised of the content of texts I sent to my sons this morning, September 14, 2024.  Because the FBI alleges that (redacted content) is still attempting to entrap and harm my family members, I have requested hiatus for three repeatedly, as you know.  My sons and MG must have no contact with their hxxxxxxs or their hxxxxxxs' affiliates whatsoever until my case is lawfully and honorable resolved to my satisfaction.

Yet, the FBI continues to allege that they are unsafe due to onling collusion among Tom Lyons, Brandan Pesa, and (redacted content).  If it is possible for your Office to aggregate the text communications of the last week, this would assist.  Txx Lxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx and (redacted content) may have moved their messaging to an alternative encrypted platform, bu the information is still recoverable if it is promptly sought, as you know.

The lives of my sons and MG may now depend on this fact-finding, as you know.

The problem for the FBI is that the agency is perpetrating human trafficking much more broadly than already discovered.  A significant segment of the agency is, in truth, an arm of organized crime, originating and profiting from human trafficking and drug trafficking crimes affiliated with one or more foreign adversaries of the United States.

Corrupt FBI agent Txx Lxxxx and Russian-affiliated organized crime boss Bxxxxxx Pxxx sit right at the nexus of that corruption, and parts of their communications are no doubt indicative of monetary flows between the FBI and organized crime.  The presence of (redacted content) in their dialogue should be deeply troubling to the nation as a whole.

Internationally, we have always allowed the CIA to participate in drug trafficking as a way of controlling certain foreign affiliates, and this has been a terrible policy error, present from the CIA's founding.

So we now have a circumstance in which these agencies are threatening the freedom and security of everyone, domestically and elsewhere.

I will appreciate the active involvement of the Vice President in ensuring that, under these remarkable circumstances, my sons and MG are on hiatus from all government programs, that none of their witness statements are accepted as valid, given the torture they have experienced from their hxxxxxxs, and that they are to have no contact whatsoever with their hxxxxxxs or their affiliates until my case can be lawfully and honorably resolved.

Thank you very much for your support with these critical concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

LM to DSM:

D, I have asked for hiatus for you and M and G in all regards.  I hope this has been extended to you.  If this has not been extended to you, I need you to get word to me immediately, please.

You need to be apprised of an article in today's New York Times regarding a baggage scam.  This could apply to both domestic and international travel.  Please read "A Chxxx Stopover Turns into a Life Sentence."  You need locks and identifiers on your own luggage, and you need NEVER to carry a package or bag at the directive of Tom Lyons, the FBI or their organized crime affiliates. (I know it is extremely difficult to tell the difference between the FBI and organized crime, since they commit all the same crimes.)

D, you need to know that Txx Lxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx, and a third person have been caught in predatory human trafficking crimes through text messaging.  There is no immunity for these crimes.  These men are liable if prosecuted.  Because a young woman you know was the target of these crimes, the men involved are going to try to implicate you of wrongdoing in order to obtain leverage in this situation.

This is the reason your hiatus is absolutely necessary.

Do not travel for Txx Lxxxx.  Do not buy a cup of coffee at his directive, drive a car at his directive, brush your teeth at his directive, or go on a walk at his directive.  Do not follow the directives of anyone he knows or possibly could know.

Hiatus means NO CONTACT.


LM to GTM:

G, sweetheart, I need to let you know that Txx Lxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx and a third person were recently caught, through investigators' acquisition of text messaging, in the perpetration of serious crimes against a young woman our family knows.  There is no immunity for these crimes due to their nature.  These men are liable if prosecuted.  As a result, there may be a heightened attempt to direct you to commit malfeasance or break the law at the directive of your hxxxxxx.  It is critical that you tell him NO.

I have asked for HIATUS for you and D and M in all respects.  Do not travel for your hxxxxxx.  Do not buy a cup of coffee at his directive, drive a car at his directive, or go on a walk at his directive.  Do not follow the directives of anyone he knows or possibly could know.

Hiatus means NO CONTACT.

If hiatus has not been extended to you, I need you to let me know immediately, please.

Luna Landscaping's Javier Luna and Carlos at 45 Vista Verde Way, Portola Valley

OIG Hotline, please be apprised that Javier Luna and his worker Carlos are currently present on our property at 45 Vista Verde Way in order to repair a broken sprinkler and conduct gardening (leaf blowing and cutting back greenery).

Due to the fact that both of them have no doubt been contacted by the FBI or its affiliates in an advance agreement to provide knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting regarding our property or our conduct, I am audio recording all interactions with them.  In addition, both of them signed the attached agreements confirming that they will let us know of any problems whatsoever prior to leaving our property today. 

I will follow up with further documentation regarding their work here later today.

Due to the fact that the FBI has repeatedly threatened to place unknown "evidence" of Pxxxxxx Program crimes on our 3.5 acre property in Portola Valley and/or our 1.7 acre property in Massachusetts, the presence of contractors here represents a risk to us that is quite real.

I will be measuring radiation, radon, and EMF while these workers are here and afterwards to ensure that they do not further harm our property, after all the appalling harms committed against my family and our land as recently as this week.

We need outreach on an immediate basis to ensure that we can now move our residence to a safe location, as well as address all outstanding concerns regarding this matter overall.

A more complete email concerning this matter was sent to your Office's attention within at 9:49 AM this morning, September 14, 2024.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Please note that my husband witnessed the signing of both of the following documents.

Javier Luna's signed form:

Carlos of Luna Landscaping, signed form:

Friday, September 13, 2024

Request for Intervention Re: Wifi Outage at 45 Vista Verde Way

 OIG Hotline, this is to inform your Office that I experienced a Wifi outage between 6:05 PM and 6:24 PM on September 13, 2024.  This was almost certainly perpetrated by the FBI or its affiliates.

This is to confirm that I did not originate this outage, nor did I direct or control this outage.

I remained within my home alone, with the exception of my Abyssinian cat Zoe, during the entire period of Wifi interruption.

I did not extend communications to anyone during the period of this Wifi outage.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

Rather, I audio recorded my presence in my home by myself between 6:09 PM and 6:24 PM (having changed batteries in my Sony device between 6:05 PM and 6:09 PM).

I also took video of my blinking Wifi router twice during this interval.  Those videos are included herewith:

All of my actions during this Wifi outage continued to be lawful and honorable in every way, shape and form.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

Please see a longer email sent to your attention within, bearing a time stamp of 7:10 PM and a subject heading of the following: ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigators Re: Statement of Appeal, September 13, 2024, Part #42 Re: Wifi Outage, Likely Perpetrated by FBI, at 45 Vista Verde Way, September 13, 2024 from 6:05 PM to 6:24 PM.

It is always a concern when the FBI engages in false reporting late in the day on a Friday, knowing that the Court cannot be readily accessed for an appeal.

It may be noteworthy that the air quality in my residence was immediately rendered poor upon my Wifi restoration, indicating to me that the FBI was simply waiting for a false report concerning this period of time in order to perpetrate yet further physical harms.

Did the FBI recruit a corrupt informant to report entering my home during this period of time and witnessing "espionage," "terrorism," or predation toward the vulnerable?  One can only guess.  But someone is telling a significant and endangering lie if my air quality is suddenly compromised following a Wifi outage perpetrated by the FBI.

I will appreciate all intervention on our behalf on the chance that the FBI is determined to perpetrate an unjustified law enforcement raid at our property on the basis of the crimes of Wifi disruption and false reporting in which it has already engaged this evening.

Vice President Kamala Harris, and the OIG Hotline, thank you for your ongoing efforts to keep us safe under these astonishing circumstances.

In gratitude for your presence at this time, as always,

Lane MacWilliams

Statement of Appeal Documentation, September 13, 2024

 OIG Hotline, thirty-nine parts of my new Statement of Appeal, dated today, September 13, 2024, have now been forwarded to your attention within my gmail account, with time stamps of 10:31 AM, 10:32 AM, 10:32 AM, 10:33 AM, 10:33 AM, 10:34 AM, 10:37 AM, 10:38 AM, 10:40 AM, 10:41 AM, 10:42 AM, 10:43 AM, 10:43 AM, 10:44 AM, 10:45 AM, 10:46 AM, 10:47 AM, 10:47 AM, 10:48 AM, 10:48 AM, 10:49 AM, 10:50 AM, 10:50 AM, 10:51 AM, 10:52 AM, 10:52 AM, 10:53 AM 10:54 AM, 10:55 AM, 10:56 AM, 10:56 AM, 10:57 AM, 11:01 AM, 11:02 AM, 11:02 AM, 11:03 AM, 11:09 AM, 11:11 AM and 11:43 AM.

Because I do not know the specific false accusations being extended toward my husband and myself, I am attempting to be comprehensive in material to include within this document.

With appreciation for your presence and support, as always,

Lane MacWilliams

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Statement of Appeal Documentation, September 12, 2024

 OIG Hotline, thirty-two parts of my new Statement of Appeal, dated today, September 12, 2024, have now been forwarded to your attention within my gmail account, with time stamps of 11:47 AM, 11:48 AM, 11:49 AM, 11:49 AM, 11:50 AM, 11:51 AM, 11:53 AM, 11:54 AM, 11:57 AM, 11:58 AM, 11:59 AM, 12:00 PM, 12:01 PM, 12:01 PM, 12:02 PM, 12:03 PM, 12:03 PM, 12:05 PM, 12:05 PM, 12:06 PM, 12:07 PM, 12:11 PM, 12:13 PM, 12:14 PM, 12:15 PM, 12:17 PM, 12:18 PM 12;23 PM, 12:26 PM, 12:28 PM, 12:31 PM and 12:54 PM.

Because I do not know the specific false accusations being extended toward my husband and myself, I am attempting to be comprehensive in material to include within this document.

With appreciation for your presence and support, as always,

Lane MacWilliams

Requesting Intervention

OIG Hotline and Concerned Others, 

Please be apprised of the text I sent to my older son this morning, September 12, 2024 at 9:25 AM, as well as his response at 9:49 AM.

Because I do not have knowledge of the contents of any AI-generated audio depicting a fake conversation between my son and Dr. Bibi Das, I attempted to cover all the bases with my communication to him, below.

Certainly, my son has the right to access medical care without disinformation placing his life at risk, my life at risk, my husband's life at risk, our younger son's life at risk, or anyone's life at risk at all.

If falsified reporting within the doctor/patient relationship has political objectives and/or financial objectives, we all need to be extremely concerned for the present state of human rights within our country.

I ask that Vice President Harris be permitted to take the lead in disallowing any and all false reporting connected to my son Graham MacWilliams' appointment with Dr. Bibi Das on Tuesday of this week, and any future appointments with Dr. Das.

Fundamentally, because witness statements can be falsified after the FBI obtains a witness' signature, neither Graham nor our family can be safe as long as falsified law enforcement reporting is a widespread, systemic phenomenon within the FBI and its affiliate agencies.

Falsified audio and/or video can now be generated so rapidly that any interaction can be "altered" by spurious "evidence" within 12 hours, certainly.

So we need our federal and international law enforcement agencies to recommit to the truth, and to suffer serious consequences when they depart from it.

The freedom of mankind, now and in the future, can only be sustained by this promise, this integrity, this worthiness, and this accountability.

Thank you for allowing me to express these concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dr. Bibi Das

OIG Hotline and ODNI investigators, thank you for helping to ensure that Gxxxxx's relationship to Dr. Das is not compromised by the informant and secrecy agreements she has been asked to sign.


Lane MacWilliams



Dr. Das, thank you very much for seeing my son Gxxxxx yesterday.  I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you sometime soon.

I would like to have the opportunity to provide you with some background regarding Gxxxxx's history of pituitary disease, which has almost certainly been a factor in his illness.

It is unlikely that Dr. Wang's notes, or indeed, Stanford's notes, will include this information.  But Gxxxxx's growth hormone and testosterone levels need regular monitoring to ensure that they are not too high or too low.

When his hormones are normal, he may need less medication than someone with his health history on average.

One important detail you should know is that Gxxxxx's doctors have been approached in the past to provide witness statements to third parties.

I would respectfully request that you elect not to do so, as these statements are often falsified after the fact by others, once a physician's signature is appended.

I have requested the assistance of two supervisory Offices in Washington, D.C. should you need their support in extending a refusal.  They may initiate contact with you directly in order to ensure that your care for Gxxxxx remains private, impartial, and free from third party interference.  So, it's best that you not sign informant and secrecy agreements with third parties pertaining to Graham or our family.

Should you need additional support in refusing such overtures by a third party, please report to OIG Hotline investigators through the online portal here:

If your circumstance requires a referral to another Office, OIG Hotline investigators will ensure that it takes place immediately.

Thank you very much for your ethical, impartial, and expert care for Gxxxxx, Dr. Das.

We appreciate it very much,

Lane MacWilliams

Statement of Appeal Documentation, September 11, 2024

 OIG Hotline, twenty-six parts of my new Statement of Appeal, dated today, September 11, 2024, have now been forwarded to your attention within my gmail account, with time stamps of 10:59 AM, 11:01 AM, 11:02 AM, 11:03 AM, 11:04 AM, 11:07 AM, 11:12 AM, 11:13 AM, 11:15 AM, 11:16 AM, 11:17 AM, 10:17 AM, 11:19 AM, 11:21 AM, 11:22 AM, 11:23 AM, 11:24 AM, 11:27 AM, 11:31 AM, 11:34 AM, 11:36 AM, 11:39 AM, 11:43 AM, 11:54 AM and 12:04 PM.

Because I do not know the specific false accusations being extended toward my husband and myself, I am attempting to be comprehensive in material to include within this document.

With appreciation for your presence and support, as always,

Lane MacWilliams

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Security Concern, September 10, 2024

OIG Hotline, the FBI appears to convey that, while an alleged appeal countering false reporting succeeded today, there is an alleged executive order for some type of harm to be perpetrated against my family members or myself.

Allegedly, this executive order is based on knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting that has not been promptly disqualified.

While it is true that the FBI generates extensive disinformation, I do perceive that the three-letter agencies become highly aggressive when they feel cornered with tangible evidence.

Within my residence, the radon gas has risen precipitously today, which usually indicates that falsified law enforcement reporting has not been promptly disallowed.

Threats appearing to originate with the FBI seem to focus on household arson, boat arson, wildfire arson, and sniper assault, although myriad other threats have been extended as well.

It may be that text messaging implicating corrupt FBI agent Tom Lyons and organized crime figure Bxxxxxx Pxxx represents enough of a threat to the FBI and its affiliates engaged in knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting against the American electorate that these agencies have opted for aggression of some kind against one or more members of my family.

As a result, I have emailed to your attention another reconfirmation of previous statements at 6:12 PM today, September 10, 2024.

After my husband returns home this evening, I will forward to your Office another copy of his own reconfirmation of previous statements.

To be clear, it is my understanding that Vice President Kamala Harris continues to support the prompt and conscientious disqualification of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting inappropriately targeting my family members and myself.

Thank you for allowing me to document these concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Updated: Statement of Appeal, September 10 2024

This post has been updated to include Part #17 of my Statement of Appeal dated September 10, 2024, sent to the attention of the OIG Hotline at 12:34 PM.


OIG Hotline, eighteen parts of my new Statement of Appeal, dated today, September 10, 2024, have now been forwarded to your attention within my gmail account, with time stamps of 9:53 AM, 9:54 AM, 9:55 AM, 9:56 AM, 9:57 AM, 9:57 AM, 10:02 AM, 10:03 AM, 10:05 AM, 10:10 AM, 10:15 AM, 10:17 AM, 10:19 AM, 10:23 AM,10:30 AM,10:51 AM, 12:34 PM, and 3:19 PM.

Because I do not know the specific false accusations being extended toward my husband and myself, I am attempting to be comprehensive in material to include within this document.

With appreciation for your presence and support, as always,

Lane MacWilliams

When the Sun Revolves Around the Earth: False Witness Statements Compelled By the DoD

1.  The FBI has alleged that the agency is taking part in some type of entrapment scheme to falsely implicate your family of wrongdoing.  Do you have any idea what that scheme involves?

Answer:  There seem to have been multiple entrapment schemes on the part of the FBI, in truth.  But the agency appears to be giving some hints that this one involves the FBI's false allegations that my younger son and my spouse are both engaged in "espionage" or "industrial espionage," and that when they meet, there is some form of sensitive technical communication taking place.

2.  Is there any sensitive technical communication taking place when your younger son meets with your husband? Your family got together for a birthday celebration this last weekend, for example, although loving families are known to celebrate birthdays together.

Answer:  There is absolutely no sensitive technical communication taking place, no.

3.  Your younger son has been tortured by the FBI, though, as has his girlfriend and your older son as well.  Is it possible that your younger son is falsely alleging the receipt of sensitive information under threat from his corrupt FBI handler Tom Lyons?

Answer:  You know, once torture is involved -- and in this case there are proofs that the crimes on the part of the FBI have been egregious -- the FBI becomes empowered to make any demands for false reporting that it wants to make.  That's why it becomes so critical to disallow all witness statements by victims of torture.

4..  Is the FBI's intent in this scheme the wrongful detention or arrest of both your husband and your younger son?

Answer:  It seems to be, in that I have received hundreds of "like father, like son" warnings connected to messages of "trap" and "arrest."

5..  So, the agency is attempting to victimize both your husband and your son in this scenario?  Or are FBI personnel attempting to victimize your whole family further?

Answer:  I would suspect they're attempting to implicate our whole family of wrongdoing in such a manner that would allow the non-payment of settlements and penalties awarded in my name by the OIG Hotline and the ODNI.  

6.. Why do you say that?

Answer:  The FBI is very focused on that money, from everything I have been able to tell.  They want to appropriate a portion of it at the very least, but in order to do that, they have to wrongfully accuse me of committing a felony.

7.  Or alternatively, the FBI could take your life.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  True.  The agency could commit first degree murder.

8..  So is the agency attempting to suggest that you yourself are involved in espionage in some capacity?

Answer:  I'm not certain.  The FBI might attempt to take their false allegations that far in order to manifest their entrapment scheme.  (Let it be known that I think "entrapment" is a misnomer in this case, because all of the so-called "evidence" is invented.  The FBI isn't inducing us to break the law.  Rather, the FBI is simply lying.)

7.  Couldn't those lies be easily unmasked in a court proceeding?

Answer:  They could, yes.  And this is the reason that the FBI's reported plan may take a darker turn in becoming a scheme of first-degree murder of an honorable whistleblower.  If the agency cannot prevail in an open court proceeding, which it cannot, then the agency will attempt to perpetrate violence against me in particular through an unjustified law enforcement raid on our home.

8.  The agency could direct corrupt law enforcement personnel to shoot you during a wrongful raid on your home?

Answer:  Yes.

9.  This would be characterized as an "accidental" shooting?

Answer:  Almost certainly.

10.  So, in such a scenario, you wouldn't necessarily be implicated in false "espionage" charges at all.  If the FBI is simply attempting to justify a wrongful raid on your home, the agency could manage this by lying about your husband alone, and it could do so by scripting the false testaments of both of your sons at once.  Isn't that possible?

Answer:  This would seem entirely possible, yes.  If the agency simply needs access to our home during a wrongful arrest in order to perpetrate intended violence toward me -- then yes, they could target my husband alone or my husband and son.

11.  And during a violent raid, corrupt law enforcement could also confiscate your documents, isn't that true?  Because this has also been an objective of the agency.

Answer:  Yes, absolutely, corrupt law enforcement could waltz off with my documents in their entirety if they made the false allegation that they needed to examine my documents for signs of "espionage" or "terrorism" through the wrongful invocation of The Espionage Act or The Patriot Act pertaining to anyone in my household.

12.  May I ask who is responsible for disqualifying knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting consisting of the false witness statements of both of your sons, as well as they false statements of MG in the past?

Answer:  President Biden needs to give guidance to the OIG Hotline and the ODNI allowing for the disqualification of false law enforcement reporing.

13.  Yet you just caught President Biden in colluding with Tom Lyons and Bxxxxxx Pxxx to harm your family in particularly appalling ways. Isn't that true?  Isn't there text messaging that implicates the President in unlawful plans of harm against your family?

Answer:  There is, yes.  

14. And when the DoD visits both of your sons to demand false witness statements after a family birthday celebration, as happened on Monday, isn't this occurring at the directive of President Biden?

Answer:  It is, yes.

15.  So, if uniformed DoD personnel showed up at your sons' homes and told them to sign a testament that the sun revolved around the Earth, would they sign it?

Answer:  Yes, they would.

16.  Because they have been tortured at the directive of the President.

Answer:  They have, yes.

17.  So the conflicts of interest for President Biden are overwhelming at this point, given that he has just been found to be colluding in indefensible harms against your family members, including harms that involve coerced human trafficking.

Answer:  Yes, the conflicts of interest are everywhere for the President, which is the reason I have called for his resignation over this matter.

18.  You believe that the President of the United States should not be involved in predatory human trafficking and schemes of first-degree murder for profit.

Answer:  That's a fair statement to make.  And I also do not believe the President should be torturing the sons of a highly honorable whistleblower in order to coerce their false witness statements on demand from DoD personnel showing up at their door.

19.  To be clear, your sons did not disclose the repeated demands of DoD personnel.  But the FBI did.

Answer:  That is correct.

20.  Given that your sons and MG have been repeatedly tortured for false witness statements, shouldn't all of them be prohibited from providing any further witness statements regarding this matter whatsoever?  Especially because the FBI has 24/7 communications access to your younger son and MG, and the CIA has 24/7 communications access to your older son.

Answer:  Their past witness statements should all be rendered null and void by a court proceeding based on the torture they have all suffered, yes.  And no further statements should be coerced from them regarding this matter.

21.  You are still receiving threats to all of their lives, isn't that so?  Yesterday, after your older son moved into a new apartment, you received threats from the FBI that included a "fall from a window or roof" as a form of staged suicide, in addition to threats of arson, carbon monoxide poisoning, Dxx deployment, pathogen exposure, fentanyl overdose, heroin overdose, ketamine overdose, toxin exposure, "street crime," hit-and-run, kidnapping, and alterations to foundational health.

Answer:  That list is not complete, but yes, both of my sons and MG are being threatened with these harms.

22.  At the directive of the President of the United States.

Answer:  At the directive of the President of the United States, yes.

23. So, this is untenable.

Answer:  Entirely untenable, yes.

24.  This demonstrates the perils to the nation of having a President who maintains close friendships to those in organized crime, does it not?

Answer:  It truly does.  The President should not be deploying gangsters to harm the honorable citizenry for profit.  He needs to step down as Commander in Chief, given the proofs of his crimes that have recently emerged.

25.  You sent some meaningful texts to your sons yesterday in partly addressing this situation.  Are you willing to disclose their contents here?

Answer:  Of course.  To my older son, I sent the following text (names are here redacted.)

Sweetheart, while I’m waiting for the photo of your new apartment, I should tell you that the FBI reports the DoD has been coercing more false witness statements from you, allegedly demanding false allegations of terrorism, espionage, trafficking, abuse, predation, on and on. I’m told they’ve done the same thing to Dxxxxx and Mxxx — showed up in uniform, two at a time, and said “sign here” regarding complete falsehoods. It was so wonderful to see you yesterday, and especially to have the chance to talk about the lamentable role of torture in totalitarian regimes. The manner in which you and Dxxxxx and Mxxx have been tortured for the purpose of coercing lies from the three of you stands as an affront to every form of justice we can name. The DoD won’t stop until the President halts the command to torture innocents. So we need President Biden to halt his corrupt demands in order for our family to begin to heal. Let’s hope that his corrupt harms toward the three of you will be exposed to the extent that he’ll be shamed into stopping. One thing that torturers despise is exposure of their own acts. Let’s hope President Biden will comprehend that harming you and bribing you in the extraction of lies about our loving family will ultimately undermine all of his most meaningful contributions.

 And to my younger son, I sent the following:

Sweetheart, I’m so sorry I missed you yesterday. Gxxxxx enjoyed visiting with you tremendously. I just reached out to him to let him know the following:  the FBI reports the DoD has been coercing more false witness statements from you, allegedly demanding false allegations of terrorism, espionage, trafficking, abuse, predation, on and on. I’m told they’ve done the same thing to M and to Gxxxxx — showed up in uniform, two at a time, and said “sign here” regarding complete falsehoods. It was so wonderful to see Gxxxxx yesterday, and especially to have the chance to talk about the lamentable role of torture in totalitarian regimes. The manner in which you and M and Gxxxxx have been tortured for the purpose of coercing lies from the three of you stands as an affront to every form of justice we can name. The DoD won’t stop until the President halts the command to torture innocents. So we need President Biden to halt his corrupt demands in order for our family to begin to heal. Let’s hope that his corrupt harms toward the three of you will be exposed to the extent that he’ll be shamed into stopping. One thing that torturers despise is exposure of their own acts. Let’s hope President Biden will comprehend that harming you and bribing you in the extraction of lies about our loving family will ultimately undermine all of his most meaningful contributions.

26.  You wish to make clear that you are being forced to disclose this information publicly for the sole reason that President Biden, Tom Lyons and Bxxxxxx Pxxx continue to threaten the lives of your family members and of you yourself.

Answer: There are only a few circumstances under which it becomes necessary to disclose the extraordinary and persistent criminality of a public figure.  But the ongoing threat to members of the public is one of them. 

27.  If you had honorable and lawful outreach from the Democrats, you could withdraw some of these disclosures from the public sphere, couldn't you?

Answer:  President Biden should resign at this point, given the crimes in which he has participated and continues to participate.  And yes, honorable and lawful outreach is required.

28.  What about your three beloved young people who have been so sorely abused by President Biden's directives?

Answer: The only safety for them will come from complete disconnection from all government programs on an immediate basis.  The means of communication with their handlers should be immediately removed.  All witness statements from them should be disqualified without exception.  And their needs for healing and privacy, together with my family's ability to gather safely to discuss these issues in a private context, must be prioritized.

29.  You have had no contact whatsoever from a high-level attorney to help you address these matters of pressing concern?

Answer:  I have not.  In fact, my attempts to obtain that representation have been aggressively obstructed.

30.  Yet that would represent the most reasonable next step, wouldn't it?

Answer:  Yes, it would.

31. Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief?

Answer:  Yes, I do.

Lane MacWilliams

Monday, September 9, 2024

UPDATE: Statement of Appeal, September 9, 2024

 UPDATE: OIG Hotline, eleven parts of my new Statement of Appeal, dated today, September 9, 2024, have now been forwarded to your attention within my gmail account, with time stamps 2:01 PM, 2:03 PM, 2:04 PM, 2:05 PM, 2:06 PM, 2:07 PM, 2:08 PM, 2:10 PM, 2:12 PM, 2:18 PM, 2:19 PM.

Because I do not know the specific false accusations being extended toward my husband and myself, I am attempting to be comprehensive in material to include within this document.

With appreciation for your presence and support, as always,

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, because of the fact that it appears wise at this time for me to be providing a Statement of Appeal on a daily basis, I will be including notification here soon of a new document dated today, September 9, 2024, to serve as my updated Statement of Appeal should one be desired for my safety or that of my family members.

In gratitude for your presence and your advocacy,

Lane MacWilliams

Speak Now

Who is weeping for my xxxxxxxxxxxxx in the way that my heart is weeping for this young woman?

I cannot fathom a Congress that would not insist on the resignation of the President.

I cannot fathom a world that would not now insist on the resignation of the President.

This young woman will die without the whole world rushing to her side.

What was done to her by the person with the most authority in the whole nation is unthinkable.  Who stood up for her?  Who safeguarded her?  Who protected her?

The Vice President, who attempted to defend my children and voiced her determination to do so, was repeatedly overruled, repeatedly undermined, repeatedly ignored.

The FBI itself, an institution that was founded with the intent of safeguarding our citizens from this type of predation and abuse, was passing films back and forth of my xxxxxxxxxxxxx's rape, even as it was profiting from the traffic itself.

There is no neutrality about the repeated rape of a young woman at the order of a President.  It is an offense to the soul to imagine that there could be neutrality about a crime like this one.

And what was done to my younger son at the same time?

And what was done to my older son at the same time?

The willful destruction of the spirits of those whom we have loved most greatly is the self-annihilation of the nation as a whole.

Any man who supported these harms is unfit to lead.

Do you know what my older son told me yesterday?  That the biggest problem he experiences now since he has been so overmedicated at the President's authorization -- his biggest problem is that he can think no thoughts at all at times.  His biggest problem is that his mind is simply blank.

I have no confidence that this young man can be restored.  He has been turned into an automaton, without thought, without independence, without individuality, without internal fortitude, without sovereignty, without courage, without himself.

This, at the order of President Biden.

Is this the role of our elected representatives?  To destroy the ability of the electorate to think a thought? Is this the job of a President?  To destroy the cognition of the brightest among us?

And what of the man who set out to destroy my family from spite?  What of Brandan Pesa, an individual who wanted to annihilate my loved ones for no reason other than that I refused him?

Will no one hold him to account when the evidence is readily available?

Will no one retrieve the texts that are immediately available from the phone company?

Will no one speak the truth?

How many Americans has this one man destroyed through human trafficking?  How many?

How many more will he be allowed to destroy if we do not now stand together and say no?

And I cannot even begin to discuss what President Biden has done to my youngest son.  Not today.  It's too difficult.

That's not leadership from our President, people.

That is the betrayal of the most foundational vow to uphold and defend the most valuable riches we can ever claim -- the sanctity of the souls of the next generation.

If we cannot now together say that we defend our children -- then we will have failed to fulfill our most inviolable commitment.

I want to know that people care about my children and what has happened to them.

When I have asked for their restoration for months and years, I have not asked for this.

Is this what our nation owes to those who have the most courage among us to speak for our freedoms?

The torture of their children?

Is this the best our nation has to offer?

No, good people.  It is not.

Stand up in insisting to see the texts of this President to Brandan Pesa and Tom Lyons.

Stand up in insisting on the tangible evidence of the truth.

Insist that the OIG Hotline and others retrieve that evidence and present it to Congress.

Demonstrate that there is accountability from all who pledge to serve the Constitution and the public which relies on its promises.

Speak now with courage, with integrity, with honor, with benevolence, with insistence, with leadership.

Lane MacWilliams

UPDATE: Digital Audio Files Soon to Be Sent and Transcript in Process

UPDATE:  OIG Hotline, digital audio files were sent to your attention within at 7:11 AM, 7:14 AM, 7:14 AM, 7:14 AM and 7:15 AM this morning, September 9. 2024.

I will continue to work on the transcript of this documentation.

Thank you for accessing these files at your earliest opportunity in order to mitigate the possibility of tampering.

In gratitude,

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, the FBI has indicated to me that the conversation with my son Graham yesterday was in some manner misreported or falsified.

I am currently working on the transcript of this exclusively loving visit of two hours and forty minutes, but this will be a long process.

Please bear with me while I do.

In the meantime, I am transferring the audio files to digital files for your more immediate access. Although I have been told the audio files can be easily replaced with falsified material, perhaps the FBI and its affiliates will hesitate if they know the transcripts are in process.

I will notify your Office as soon as the audio files are available so that you can access them without delay.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Statement of Appeal, Septembre 8, 2024 Now Available

 OIG Hotline, my Statement of Appeal is now available within an email sent to your attention in my account, with a subject heading of ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigators Re: Statement of Appeal, September 8, 2024, sent at 8:59 PM.

Given that I am currently receiving threats of imminent law enforcement raid at my property, please access this material at your earliest possible convenience.

With appreciation for your presence,

Lane MacWilliams

 OIG Hotline, please see an important communication sent to your attention within at 7:45 PM on September 8, 2024 with the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigators Re: Belated Birthday Celebration with GTM at 45 Vista Verde Way.

This documentation conveys a potential health concern.

My newly drafted Statement of Appeal will soon be provided.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

GTM Birthday Documentation -- Statement of Appeal to Follow Soon


Statement of Appeal Later Today, September 8, 2024

OIG Hotline, I will be forwarding to your attention a Statement of Appeal after seeing my family members today.  I am receiving death threats from the FBI which appear to specifically identify my call for President Biden to resign as the reason for his command to FBI personnel to submit yet another round of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting, including false witness statements coerced from my sons, to a secret court hearing later today.

In order for our lives to be preserved, we will need advocacy that counters the content of those false claims, whatever their content.

I do not believe it would be wise for me to make my Statement of Appeal available at this time, as I will need to wait until my family visit is complete in order to cover all potential false reporting comprehensively.

Again, it is distressing to have a sitting President abusing his power to order court proceedings based on knowingly false "evidence."

President Biden clearly feels fearful concerning exposure of his crimes toward my family, but the solution to his fear is a lawful and honorable approach with the assistance of attorneys, not yet another first degree murder attempt toward my family and myself in the hope of rendering us silent.

Confidentiality can best be preserved regarding sensitive matters by lawful and mutual agreement, not by deceit within the court system, failed ethics on the part of a sitting President, and further planned harms which are completely inappropriate in this situation.

President Biden's legacy concerns are best address through respectful, honorable and lawful dialogue.  

I believe Vice President Harris should be elevated to the role of Commander in Chief at this time in order to lead the nation without compromise or obstacle.

Reasonable minds, excellent judgement, a commitment to ethics and high character are all required in this circumstance.

Let us elevate the leader who possesses these qualities in abundance and move forward with good faith.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

President Biden Must Resign Immediately

 Sunday, September 8, 2024 12:56 PM

OIG Hotline, this is to document a apparent FBI threats of harm toward my husband and or myself perpetrated by one or both of my sons at the directive of their respective handlers ( FBI in the case of Duncan and CIA in the case of Graham).

In addition, I am receiving FBI threats of harm toward both of my sons and MG.

Certainly, my husband should be able to see our sons without fear of harm. Neither of them should be under threat to their lives nor MG should they elect not to perpetrate harm.  And I myself should be able to see both of our sons and MG without harm.

If I cannot do so, it is for the sole reason that President Biden has directly authorized one or both of my sons to perpetrate harm toward my husband and or myself through the unconstitutional Pxxxxxx Program.

Now, I intend to claim my rights as a law abiding American citizen today, and if I am harmed, I intend to expose our murderous President to the whole world.

For the record, Vice President Kamala Harris, a superior leader to President Joseph Biden in every measure, has not agreed to perpetrate further harm against my family, so the FBI discloses.

Isn’t it a tragedy that she must stand in proximity to such a corrupt commander-in-chief, when she herself knows exactly the appropriate steps to take this matter to peaceably and lawfully resolve all outstanding concerns?

I have asked President Biden to step back from this matter and recuse himself from any and all future directives concerning my family members, MG, and myself.  The fact that his horrific and criminal judgment led to the trafficking of my xxxxxxxx-xx-xxx and the rendering of my xxxxxxx xxx a murderer under the Pxxxxxx Program is a testament to this leader’s horrific and ruinous discernment.

Stand down President Biden.  You are unfit to make any further assessments concerning my family members or myself. 

I now publicly call for your resignation, and with evidence that will ensure you leave the position you are unworthy to fill.

This choice is now necessary.

If the Congress has not yet studied the details of the 25th Amendment, it should do so now.

Once again, I charge you:  step down and allow Vice President Kamala Harris to lead. 

Your selfish, predatory, and incomprehensible choices have endangered the nation.

Lane MacWilliams

Important Communication for the OIG Hotline

OIG Hotline, please see an email sent to your attention within with the following title: ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigators, Confidential Re: Urgent Priorities, bearing a time/date stamp of today, September 8, 2024 at 10:50 AM.

Thank you for accessing this communication at your earliest opportunity.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

Post in Progress

 OIG Hotline, please be aware of the following titles present on my Amazon "recommended for you" feed, including "Financial Literary for Young Adults," which appear to suggest that one or more of the young people in my life is being bribed by the FBI to keep silent over the astonishing crimes of the FBI and its affiliates against them.

"Chemistry Made Easy" appears to suggest that devastating environmental harms will be perpetrated against those who decline the FBI's demands.

Further titles referencing "healing from all diseases," or "Self-heal by Design" appear to suggest that victims who could bear witness against the FBI will be murdered through invisible means pertaining to assaults on their fundamental health.  In the past, the FBI has appeared to convey that the agency's repeated assaults on the health of its victims have been matched by withholding of restorative medical care until and unless the agency extracts whatever it wants from these vulnerable "targets" -- falsified witness statements, trafficking on command in the circumstance described to you yesterday, money, etc.

For the FBI and its affiliates to continue to maintain the means of 24/7 communications access to my children is to guarantee disaster for these three young people.

Fundamentally, we need to ask whether any American would desire human traffickers, rapists and murderers to have access to their beloved family members twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.

Brandan Pesa and Tom Lyons are reported by many to be human traffickers, rapists and murderers, and they have access to my beloved family members twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.

So the means of communication must be removed immediately.

Without this, my loved ones' lives, health, sovereignty and souls are forfeit.

And this is abundantly clear to me.

The long term survival of my loved ones must be assured, and not through becoming "yes men" for corrupt agencies.

I do not want my loved ones being forced to attest, under threat of torture and death, to falsehoods which lead to the torture and death of other honorable Americans at the hands of a criminal FBI.

And we must pause for a moment to consider what it means for a young, beautiful woman in her 20's to become a "yes woman" for the FBI.  It means she is trafficked when and where and how they say.  She is forced to say "yes" to appalling crimes against her own body and spirit.

Fundamentally, there can be no compromise with the worst of malevolent predators.  Their aim is to harm and destroy the best among us.  They should not be allowed to achieve it.

The first thing that must be accomplished now is the immediate and urgent removal of all implanted communications devices enabling ongoing communications between my children and the three-letter agencies.

To say that these agencies have abused their privilege of access to my honorable family is the understatement of the millenium.

The second thing that must be accomplished is the immediate provision of legal representation in the effort to address and resolve the egregious crimes of the FBI and its affiliates against all of us in direct retaliation for my attempt to preserve the freedoms of Americans as a whole.

I need a high-level attorney who can address matters of the restoration of our health, confidentiality, document security, liability, investigative reports, housing, and other concerns.

And this cannot wait.

The third thing that must be accomplished is the peaceable reunion of my family on humanitarian grounds, despite directives extended to my sons to cause physical harm to my husband and/or myself.

Certainly, provisions four, five and six follow.  But these are for an attorney to help address on a confidential basis.

Thank you for allowing me to express these pressing concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams