My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

JSOC Deployment at 45 Vista Verde Way, Portola Valley, September 1, 2024 at 2:20 AM -- Post in Progress

 1.  Would you please describe what occurred last night at 2:20 AM?

Answer:  I was dozing at a location on my first floor, within our main hallway, when I heard the unmistakable sound of a kevlar rope unspooling under pressure -- as in the weight of a human being.

2.  That's an unusual sound.

Answer:  It is.  There's really no mistaking it for anything else.

3.  Where was the sound coming from?

Answer:  It was coming from the deck immediately outside of my position, only several feet away.  This is a hallway with multiple sets of French doors and sounds travel fairly well through the glass.

4.  How did you interpret this sound?

Answer:  As a JSOC deployment.  

5.  You had been threatened with a JSOC deployment recently as part of a "political assassination" threat undertaken by President Biden given your FEC complaint.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  It is true, and a Seal Team 6 deployment was specifically threatened, along with Texas Rangers.  At times when arson has been threatened at our property, the involvement of the Air Force Hot Shots has been repeatedly referenced.

6.  So, given the sounds of a kevlar rope unspooling under the weight of a human being at 2:20 AM, you were fairly certain that a JSOC team had been deployed to your home.

Answer:  Yes.  I was certain at the time, and I am certain now.  

7.  You initially thought this was a nylon rope, but then realized it was almost certainly a Kevlar line.  Is that true?

Answer:  Yes.  Due to volume and weight-bearing requirements, it was very likely a Kevlar line.

8.  You immediately documented this experience within your email.  Is that correct?

Answer:  I did.  This was the only action I could think of that might immediately mitigate the threat of an assault.

8.  What was that email's subject heading, please?

Answer:  "Notes to Myself Re: Presumed JSOC Personnel at 2:20 AM."  It was sent at 2:58 AM this morning.

10.  Are you willing to reveal its contents here?

Answer:  Yes.  I include it here:

11:  Will you transcribe this documentation for ease of reading, please?

Answer:  The email reads as follows:

This is to document the presence of presumed JSOC personnel on my deck outside my first floor hallway.  (This area is approximately 15 feet above the ground and sits directly below a second floor balcony.)

I was dozing in that area only to be awakened by the sound of nylon rope unwinding under tension -- as in the weight of a human being.  This is a unique sound and it was originating within only a few feet of my sleeping location in the hallway.  I immediately left the area.  This occurred at approximately 2:20 AM.

Of concern is the falsified law enforcement reporting that could possibly be used to justify the presence of a JSOC team here.

Why have such falsehoods not been disqualified by this time?

Was my Statement of Appeal received?

Who could have approved of such aggression?

Clearly, we cannot be safe as a family until there is a provision of reports together with advocacy from a high level attorney.

Yesterday, I did not further disseminate my FEC complaint.

Is this now necessary?

Or will the lawful provision of reports now occur?

Lawful contact from an attorney as well?

This fundamental circumstance needs to change.  The predation must be decisively halted and duplicity on the part of anyone toward my family must be identified and illuminated.

Are my sons safe?  Is MG?

Did the manner in which I handled the Parker's contract lead people to alternate aggression?

Who will now stand for the safety of an honorable whistleblower and her family?

Lane MacWilliams

12.  Do you have any other evidence of a JSOC presence at your property last night?

Answer:  Yes, the roof gutter directly above the deck where I heard the rope unspooling is bent this morning.  Here is a photo:

13.  Were there any other signs?

Answer:  There was a small, two-inch piece of roofing tar paper that sits underneath our Mediterranean tile roof that appeared on our deck.  This is the first time this has happened, and I think a disturbance of the roofing tiles would have been required to cause its dislocation.  In fact, it probably traveled the twenty-five foot distance on the sole of someone's shoe, because it couldn't have fallen off the roof spontaneously.

14.  You have received yet further threats from the FBI of a DEW assault tonight, haven't you?

Answer:  Yes, the FBI has threatened to assault my one or more of my family members with a "huge burst of energy."

15.  Would that represent the "probe," the "thrower,"  an acoustic weapon?

Answer:  I honestly don't know, but the implication is that these weapons are designed to cause brain damage, memory loss, dementia, and permanent injury to cognition and health in many other ways.

16.  And who would be authorizing this deployment against you and your loved ones at this time?

Answer:  The FBI indicates that President Biden is authorizing the deployment of DEWs against my family.

17.  As a tool of political assassination?

Answer:  Yes, most fundamentally.  Given my FEC complaint, and the fears that President Biden's legacy will be affected by the crimes he has committed against my family, he appears all too willing to engage in political violence to silence me in this matter.

18.  Wouldn't it be much more preferable for President Biden to simply provide you with the reports that are due to you by law?  The FOIA reports?  And the investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI?  

Answer:  I have no idea who is advising or controlling the Democrats, but they are making a fine mess of things.  The answer to your question is yes, of course.  Instead President Biden appears to be pursuing a course of political murder.

19.  Has the Supreme Court granted U.S. presidents the right to commit crimes like this unimpeded by the court system?

Answer:  I don't think presidential immunity is unbound.  But regardless of those determinations, there is the court of public opinion.  I don't believe the American people will tolerate a President who would engage in these acts for his profit, his Party's hold on power, or his legacy.

20.  Do you now need to write another Statement of Appeal, even though you have no idea what charges you are appealing?

Answer:  Yes, apparently, I need to attempt this yet one more time.

21.  Who is defending you at this point?

Answer:  Honestly, I think investigators are doing everything they can.  With regard to others, every institution is now so divided.  I think segments of the FBI are helping us, I think certain members of Congress are helping us, and I think certain members of the White House are helping us, too.

22.  From your vantage, is it difficult to ascertain duplicitous positions or differentiate disinformation from truth?

Answer:  It's exceptionally difficult.  There is no question about this.

23.  But isn't it likely that President Biden approved an unjustified JSOC deployment to your address?

Answer:  Highly likely.

24.  Your husband just retrieved your mail from the mailbox a short time ago.  Did the Biden Administration provide your reports so that they are now within your possession, in accordance with the rule of law?

Answer:  Oh, no. No, no.  They did not.

25.  Have you been told that the attempts on your life will continue and that the Democrats will continue to withhold the reports due to you by law?

Answer:  Yes, I have.

26.  This is a devastating failure of government.

Answer:  It is.  

27.  There can be no excuse for the repeated torture of your family intended to enable the Democrats to violate elections laws and effectively steal the 2024 election, can there?

Answer:  There are so many ethical problems, I don't know where to begin.

28.  Haven't the Democrats proclaimed themselves defenders of social justice and the rule of law?

Answer:  The harms they have perpetrated against my family are appalling.  That's all I can say with confidence.  And I think it's extremely dangerous for these people to be espousing democracy in front of the cameras and attempting to destroy it behind closed doors.  The extent of the corruption and duplicity is just something that the American electorate is not prepared for.  I know I wasn't.  I genuinely thought President Biden was an ethical man.

29.  What do you think of his actions now?

Answer:  This is a man of failed character who should never have been in charge of the nation.  His crimes have placed everyone's freedoms at risk, in addition to overtly threatening my family members' lives on a daily basis.

30.  Do you see President Biden as a supporter of organized crime?

Answer:  I see him as a member of organized crime himself.  There are no limits to his avarice, apparently, right up to and including the murder of an honorable whistleblower and her family.

31.  And his expressed compassion for the American public?

Answer:  It's a well-practiced performance, in my opinion, but there's no substance there whatsoever.

32.  It is now 6:03 PM.  Do you need to write another Statement of Appeal this evening?  And how will you do so?

Answer:  I do need to do so, and as I said, I have no idea of the charges against us.  So an appeal becomes exceptionally difficult.

33.  Will you please let us know how you and your family members fare overnight?

Answer:  I certainly will.

Lane MacWilliams

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