My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Request for Intervention by Vice President Kamala Harris and Honorable Members of Congress in Ensuring the Withdrawal of Any Executive Order Extended by President Biden Which May Result in the Harm of My Family or Myself

 OIG Hotline, the FBI appears to be alleging that President Biden may have issued an executive order for my harm based on alleged "insider information" that I possess.  

If this allegation is true, I wonder whether it is possible that the President's alleged sense of panic is due to a re-instatement of Orders of Injunctive Relief extended to me by a High Court, which may stipulate that my FOIA reports need to be provided to me on an immediate basis.  If in fact these FOIA materials contain a text conversation between President Biden, Bxxxxxx Pxxx and Tom Lyons regarding the intent to take the lives of my family members and myself and to profit from that crime, in addition to referencing other crimes against my family, the President may be especially worried to be in a position to which Presidential immunity does not apply.

As a result of safety concerns for my family and myself resulting from these unsubstantiated allegations, I ask for the intervention of Vice President Kamala Harris and honorable members of Congress in requesting that President Biden withdraw any executive order intended to cause harm to one or more of us.

Please note that among my requests for injunctive relief today was a petition to force the Biden administration to reach out to me to facilitate the classification and proper handling of my documents.  The content of this petition may be located within an email sent to the attention of your Office, with the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 21, 2024, Part #10 Re: Safety of My Documents, sent on September 21, 2024 at 7:23 AM.

For further information pertaining to any allegation that I possess "insider information," please reference an email sent to your Office's attention with the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and Concerned Others Re: What Is Insider Knowledge?, sent at 3:32 PM today, September 21, 2024.

I do not have independent verification of the character of the FBI's or FBI affiliates' allegations of the "insider knowledge" I possess.

Is the allegation that President Biden has attempted to murder my family members and myself for personal profit "insider knowledge"?

In this case, is it true that if an innocent victim knows that she is an innocent victim, she is guilty of "knowing" and must be sentenced to death as a result?

We can quickly see how dystopian this proposition is.

If President Biden believes that I possess sensitive information, why won't he support the classification of  any of my documents that could be sensitive in any regard, as I myself have repeatedly requested?  Why won't he extend a security clearance to me so that I can be provided with the government's accepted boundaries of confidentiality regarding certain topics, as I have repeatedly requested?

Perhaps if I denied the government's right to maintain confidentiality regarding certain subjects, I might better comprehend President Biden's alleged preference for violence.  

Yet I have always supported the government's right to maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive areas.  Further, I have repeatedly asked for support in ensuring that I can assist with those understandable requirements.

So, I question whether any executive order of harm extended by President Biden is actually based on "insider knowledge."  It seems to me that instead, it is likely based on a desire on the President's part to have his prior crimes pertaining to my family remain concealed.

I believe that, given the overwhelming conflicts of interest in this case, President Biden should withdraw any and all executive orders intended to result in my family's harm or my own.

For further information regarding possible manifestations of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting intended to justify a wrongful law enforcement raid at my property, please see an email with the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Notes to Myself Re: Unsubstantiated Alleged FBI Plans of Pxxxxxx Program False Reporting, sent at 6:45 PM on September 21, 2024.

I respectfully request that no Court ruling in my favor in response to my Requests for Injunctive Relief or Requests for Reinstatement of Injunctive Relief be appealed or re-adjudicated if it currently stands.

If the intervention of a Court is required to ensure the withdrawal of an executive order of harm based on alleged "insider information," or due to other false allegations, I again request that my advocates scrupulously avoid the appeal or re-adjudication of any ruling in my favor and specifically any Order by the Court that I be provided with Injunctive Relief.

While I have no independent verification of the character of renewed false allegations by the FBI or CIA, I have been told in the past that my sons have been tortured by these agencies to file knowingly false witness statements pertaining to only a few extremely serious subjects -- espionage, terrorism, and serial killing.  False allegations relating to threatening a public official may represent a subject they have been directed, under extreme duress, to wrongfully corroborate as well.

To reconfirm, neither my husband nor I have any involvement with espionage, terrorism or serial killing whatsoever -- nor have we ever.  Nor have we ever threatened a judge, a Justice, a Court or a public official.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

The FBI has appeared to convey to me in the past that the unconstitutional Pxxxxxx Program has placed wrongful "evidence" of its own capital crimes somewhere on our 3.5 acre property in California and/or on our 1.7 acre property in Massachusetts..  I have also been told by the FBI that many people have been coerced by the FBI and its affiliates to falsely claim seeing "codes" on my husband's cell phone or my own --presumably relating to national security.  I have also been told by the FBI that Ton Lyons has gone to great lengths to create false evidence of various types of espionage after he himself broke myriad laws pertaining to intellectual property through selling information that did not belong to him.

My husband and I have no involvement with any of the above.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

My older son Graham was allowed to communicate with me briefly today, but I must presume the pressure on him remains quite severe.  His CIA handler Max has apparently conveyed a "ghost weapon" to him after Graham refusd to utilize a 3-D printer in a library to make one, according to the FBI.  What is Max's intention with regard to that weapon?  I don't know, but this is one of the main reasons that I have stated the necessity of separating the FBI from my younger son and MG and the CIA from my older son.  These are predatory entities causing extensive harm through disinformation and overt predation.

I remain deeply concerned for my younger son Duncan, who is reported to have been coerced into providing knowingly false witness statements today following a perfectly normal phone call with my husband, most of which I directly overheard.

It is my hope that Vice President Harris will now be supported in her disqualification of all false reporting about my family members and myself on an immediate basis.

Please note that the FBI has claims that our new Wifi modem allows for easy and rapid IP address appropriation in the agency's creation of false communications.  I don't have a technical background, but it seems that fake communications claiming our phones' and computers' IP addresses are readily achievable for the FBI and CIA.

All of my own communications and all of my husband's communications continue to be lawful and honorable in every way, shape and form.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

Thank you to Vice President Harris and Honorable members of Congress in asking the President to immediately withdraw all executive orders intended to cause my family members and/or myself unwarranted harm.

We are ready to heal and recover our strength in our advocacy for the freedoms of Americans as a whole.

The fact that the FBI and the CIA have ridden off the rails with new and powerful tools of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting, and that these agencies are now terrorizing segments of the American public with these capabilities, stands much to the diminishment of everyone's freedom.

I am one person who has persisted in saying that I want to have possession of my FOIA reports and the investigative reports of the OIG Hotline and the ODNI to prove that sections of the three-letter agencies are actively engaged in committing these gratuitous crimes.

Please support me now in obtaining those reports by asking President Biden to withdraw any and all executive orders intended to cause further harm to my family members and myself, in addition to supporting the disqualification of all knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting intended to justify that harm.

Thank you for allowing me to express these serious concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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