My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, September 20, 2024

ATTN: OIG HOTLINE, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Concerned Others Re: Texts to My Sons, September 20, 2024

OIG Hotline, please see the texts which I sent to my sons this afternoon, included below.  Because of the fact that the FBI has appeared to claim today that my sons were both threatened by DoD personnel to sign knowingly false witness statements alleging that I had extended threats to public officials, judges, or a court or courts, I felt it was immediately necessary to reach out to both of them to ask for their response.

I wish to make clear that for the DoD to coerce these falsehoods from my sons, if in fact, these allegations reflect the DoD’s acts, represents the most reprehensible obstruction of justice imaginable in this case.  My understanding from the FBI was that an Honorable Justice ruled in my favor in granting orders of injunctive relief on Monday, September 16, 2024, according to the FBI.  The FBI also alleged the identical issues were re-adjudicated secretly with another judge the following day in an attempt to subvert and ignore the primary rulings in this case.  I wrote an open letter to the Supreme Court following those alleged events to request that the original rulings be respected and upheld as required by judicial ethics and professional standards.  While the FBI appeared to indicate that the Court upheld the original rulings, the agency also alleged to me today that its personnel or affiliates impersonated me online or through forgery to falsely claim that I had extended a threat or threats to a public official, a court, a judge or a justice.

Given that members of the public can be killed for such acts, these falsehoods represent in my view an attempt to justify first-degree murder of an FBI whistleblower, alongside obstruction of justice In the intention to prevent injunctive orders from being upheld. 

It is extremely concerning to me that the DoD is coercing false witness statements from my sons regarding these areas and others.  My most pressing requests for injunctive relief relate to the protection of my sons and MG from further coercion, torture, and harm by the FBI, the CIA, and their affiliates.

DoD personnel do not pay visits to the sons of whistleblowers unless they have been authorized by the White House. 

So the conflicts of interest present within this line of falsified law-enforcement reporting are indeed quite profound.

Consistently, this administration has sought to take my life and my family members lives in retaliation for my serving as an advocate for the American public regarding the FBI‘s perpetration of knowingly falsified law-enforcement reporting on a broad scale.  Further, it has sought to profit from the crime.

At this time, I request that Vice President Kamala Harris disqualify the knowingly false witness statements coerced from my sons by the DoD, the FBI, the CIA and their affiliates.

I further request that any and all executive orders based on this knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting be immediately withdrawn by President Biden.

I call upon the Vice President and the United States Congress to illuminate for President Biden why this withdrawal must for ethical reasons be implemented on an urgent basis.

I will appreciate a renewed commitment on the part of Vice President Harris and President Biden to excuse both of my sons and MG from any and all activities connected to the unconstitutional Pxxxxxx Program.  That means no training.  That means no directives to cause harm to my family members or others. That means no directives to perpetrate self harm in any way shape or form.  That means no travel undertaken under the auspices of the Pxxxxxx Program. That means no further demands for knowingly false witness statements,  That means no withholding of expert medical care for the diseases the FBI and the CIA have caused to my sons and MG.

The President‘s habit of authorizing the conveyance of deadly diseases to my family members and then withholding their treatment in order to extort false reporting and other favors from them, including those involving the trafficking of my daughter-in-law, stands as a despicable testament to a leader utterly unfit to serve the American people.

The failure of this President to acknowledge his unforgivable predation toward my sons and MG characterizes him as having more in common with an organized crime boss than someone suited to the highest office in the land.

I remain deeply offended by these choices, profoundly upset by those who have chosen not to apologize, not to atone, not to make amends, but to persist in a plan of first-degree murder against my loved ones and myself.

Do I support President Biden’s access to due process under the law given his crimes against my family and myself?  Of course I do.  Do I support Brandan Pesa’s access to due process under the law, given his crimes against my family members and myself?  Of course I do.  Do I support Tom Lyons’ access to due process under the law, given his crimes against my family members and myself?  Of course I do.

But I would like to see the text messaging thread currently possessed by the OIG Hotline, which is said to implicate all three of these men in plans of human trafficking and first-degree murder against my family members and myself for profit.

Should the President be enabled to issue executive orders authorizing my death based on false reporting he himself ordered,  so that I don’t have the opportunity to illuminate his own crimes? 

Somehow, I don’t think that’s what was intended by Presidential immunity.

If the President seeks to murder an honorable member of the electorate for profit, having nothing to do with reasons of national security, he does not possess Presidential immunity, nor should he.

It is fair to say that I believe the injunctive orders granted to me by the Honorable Justice of the Supreme Court on September 16, 2024 should be reinstated based on illumination of the President’s attempt to obstruct justice in this case. 
President Biden has misused his power as Commander in Chief, and he has done so with a repetition and a shamelessness that convey he possesses no remorse.

I think America deserves better leadership.

I’d like to know whether Vice President Harris is capable of demonstrating that leadership at this time by engaging in immediate outreach to me regarding all areas of injunctive relief which I have requested.

That includes immediate assistance in relocating our residence, given President Biden’s order to disseminate Paraquat at our home on September 11, 2024.

It is now 7:00 PM, Pacific time, and neither of my sons has responded to my request for specifics delineated below. 

I respectfully request immediate follow up regarding all matters of concern specified herein.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

“D, sweetheart, the FBI claimed to me today that you and Graham were both coerced into lying by stating that I had threatened a public official, a Court, or a Judge.  If you believe I ever threatened any of these honorable people or entities, will you please let me know via return text by 7 PM?  While I may have stated that I may sue those within the FBI or among their affiliates who have violated our family’s civil liberties and human rights, I would never threaten anyone’s rights, their sovereignty, their safety, or their access to legal representation and due process. I am a peaceable person, as you know. Others’ rights are important to me, even Tom Lyons’ and Brandan Pesa’s rights!  If criminals cannot access due process, then it is not guaranteed to any one of us. So we must stand up for the most malign perpetrators, too!  That can become challenging when they are wielding advanced tools of disinformation such as AI-generated audio and video to portray events or statements that never occurred. But those who value the freedom of mankind have to try.  I will appreciate your response right away, as it matters with regard to illuminating the truth of my virtue. Thank you, love!  ❤️

“ Graham, sweetheart, the FBI claimed to me today that you and D were both coerced into lying by stating that I had threatened a public official, a Court, or a Judge.  If you believe I ever threatened any of these honorable people or entities, will you please let me know via return text by 7 PM?  While I may have stated that I may sue those within the FBI or among their affiliates who have violated our family’s civil liberties and human rights, I would never threaten anyone’s rights, their sovereignty, their safety, or their access to legal representation and due process. I am a peaceable person, as you know. Others’ rights are important to me, even Tom Lyons’, Max’s, and Brandan Pesa’s rights!  If criminals cannot access due process, then it is not guaranteed to any one of us. So we must stand up for the most malign perpetrators, too!  That can become challenging when they are wielding advanced tools of disinformation such as AI-generated audio and video to portray events or statements that never occurred. But those who value the freedom of mankind have to try.  I will appreciate your response right away, as it matters with regard to illuminating the truth of my virtue. Thank you, love!  ❤️

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