My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Ongoing Defamation of a Whistleblower, Enforced by the DoD

 1.  The DoD has appeared to assert to the President that you have been the cause of a "major leak."  To what subject does that pertain?

Answer:  It may pertain to the FBI's utilization of the utility companies to harm law-abiding "targets of interest."  And it may pertain to the FBI's wrongful deployment of Dxxs against the law-abiding American public.

2.  These are overlapping subjects, in a way, because of the fact that Dxxs are so power-hungry.  Isn't that true?  So the deployment of Dxxs against the law-abiding American public always involves special arrangements through the electric companies involved.  Isn't that the case?

Answer:  It is, yes.  And so, there are many questions surrounding these unconstitutional initiatives.  Do we want the FBI to be deploying weapons of covert war against the honorable public on the basis of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting?  Do we want the FBI to be co-opting monopolistic utilities companies to cause covert harm to large numbers of virtuous Americans?  Isn't totalitarianism inevitable if these programs remain both widespread and concealed?

3.  The truth is that you exposed the utilities companies' corruption to the OIG Hotline, and presumably from there to President Biden, a long time ago.  What did you expect to happen when those revelations were made?

Answer:  There should have been a press conference right away.  There should have been major news coverage immediately.  There should have been a DOJ initiative to investigate and address the unconstitutional programs that were being supported by Americans' tax dollars to cause them harm.

4. But none of that happened.

Answer:  No, it did not.

5.  Why didn't it occur?

Answer:  You know, I think there was a fundamental failure of courage.  I think it was viewed as a "big risk" to inform the public about the government's malfeasance in this realm.  It's exceptionally difficult for any government to acknowledge its own atrocities, and I think that, ultimately, these revelations were used as bargaining chips behind the scenes, but there wasn't enough integrity to defend the interests of the public through honest disclosure.

6.  What are your thoughts about that failure?

Answer:  It's tragic.  There was a historic opportunity to reclaim the freedom of mankind in this situation, where we are facing technologies that have raced far ahead of the public awareness.  And there was simply a failure of character in the top leader.

7.  You have sometimes said that leaders may find themselves in situations, when guiding the ship of state, in which there is a continuous cocktail party being hosted on the top deck.  But that is illusory and it is the job of leaders to go below deck and find out how real people are experiencing their challenges and what kind of response they are receiving from their representative government to those challenges.  Does that require a kind of determination to discover what is not immediately apparent on the surface?

Answer:  I think we always need to be receptive to the possibility of hidden truths.  Democracy and secrecy are diametrically opposed.  So, if we care about the freedom of mankind, we need to care about programs that may be completely concealed from public scrutiny.

8. You are not suggesting that all of the FBI's concealed programs should be revealed to the public.

Answer:  No, I am not.  For many reasons, that is not possible.  But I am suggesting that we need to closely attend to those programs which threaten the sovereignty, the safety, the Constitutional liberties, and the human rights of the electorate at large.  Due to the emergence of AI and other rapidly advancing technologies, if we do not defend the freedom of mankind at this juncture, it will be lost.  Human liberty will not find another chance. If we do not find a way to defend our most fundamental and cherished rights as Americans, they will not be defended.

9. If we do not find a way, no one will?

Answer:  That is correct.  We need to demonstrate great discernment and wisdom at this juncture, in respect for all who will come after us.  Have we done all that we can do to illuminate this threat to individual sovereignty?  I don't think we have.

10.  What is your thought about the broad-based compromise of the utilities?

Answer:  These are monopolistic entities.  If you want power or water, you have only one choice in most cases as a member of the public. So, for harm to be meted out from these utilities toward the public is an appalling violation of the public trust.  And if we fail to reclaim that trust now, when exactly will it be reclaimed?  Who exactly will reclaim it for us?  These are likely to be permanent structural changes to our society unless we find a way to talk about this.  And it doesn't matter whether we are talking about a small town or a bustling metropolis.  Future generations will want to be able to extend their trust to monopolistic utilities and to government institutions.  Will we have made that possible for them?

11.  You have been told that certain individuals are attempting to discredit your truthful testimony with false assertions about your mental health and stability.  What is your response?

Answer:  Was it ever thus?  I realize that defamation can seem like the easiest way to avoid difficult disclosures for reluctant government institutions.  That doesn't justify the defamation, however.

12.  And supposedly your own sons are being forced by the DoD to sign knowingly false witness statements pertaining to your character and stability.  May I have your response?

Answer:  The DoD is threatening the lives of my sons if they don't comply, and those directives are coming straight from the Commander in Chief.  So, there are enormous ethical problems and conflicts of interest present.

13.  You have made the point that Navalny's children were never subjected to the torture your children and MG have experienced at the hands of this government.

Answer:  This is true.  Most nations have a sense of restraint surrounding the family members of whistleblowers.  Most leaders understand that they will be roundly criticized for perpetrating this sort of crime against the innocent.

14.  The FBI and CIA ordered your three young people, under threat of death, to violate the law in certain ways and then proceeded to justify their further defamation and harm with those violations.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

15.  Your family is all vacationing at Yellowstone National Park this week, but you yourself will not be there.  Why not?

Answer:  I am still babysitting my documents, because I have had no contact from the government, despite repeated pleas for guidance with regard to the safe classification and disposition of that information.

16.  You would not leave your documents alone at this point?

Answer:  No.  Absolutely not.  

17.  You view it as your responsibility to ensure that they are safely classified and given to the appropriate Office or receiver.

Answer:  I do, yes.

18.  Would you still like to see the government speak publicly about the issue of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting as perpetrated by the FBI and its affiliates?

Answer:  Emphatically yes.  We need to know how the Presidential candidates feel about this issue and how they would address it if elected.  And I think the perspectives of Congressional candidates are just as critical.

19.  So much time has been wasted through the suppression of this information.  Is there enough time to let the public know a portion of the realities so they can assess candidates on that basis?

Answer:  I cannot say.  But I feel deeply alarmed by the delays, the silence, and the aggression toward my loved ones and myself in response to this issue.

20.  You still do not have FOIA materials or investigative materials from the OIG Hotline or the ODNI in your possession at this time?

Answer: No, I do not.

21.  Will you please update us with regard to new developments regarding this issue?

Answer:  Of course.

22. Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct?

Answer:  Yes, I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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