My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Speak Now

Who is weeping for my xxxxxxxxxxxxx in the way that my heart is weeping for this young woman?

I cannot fathom a Congress that would not insist on the resignation of the President.

I cannot fathom a world that would not now insist on the resignation of the President.

This young woman will die without the whole world rushing to her side.

What was done to her by the person with the most authority in the whole nation is unthinkable.  Who stood up for her?  Who safeguarded her?  Who protected her?

The Vice President, who attempted to defend my children and voiced her determination to do so, was repeatedly overruled, repeatedly undermined, repeatedly ignored.

The FBI itself, an institution that was founded with the intent of safeguarding our citizens from this type of predation and abuse, was passing films back and forth of my xxxxxxxxxxxxx's rape, even as it was profiting from the traffic itself.

There is no neutrality about the repeated rape of a young woman at the order of a President.  It is an offense to the soul to imagine that there could be neutrality about a crime like this one.

And what was done to my younger son at the same time?

And what was done to my older son at the same time?

The willful destruction of the spirits of those whom we have loved most greatly is the self-annihilation of the nation as a whole.

Any man who supported these harms is unfit to lead.

Do you know what my older son told me yesterday?  That the biggest problem he experiences now since he has been so overmedicated at the President's authorization -- his biggest problem is that he can think no thoughts at all at times.  His biggest problem is that his mind is simply blank.

I have no confidence that this young man can be restored.  He has been turned into an automaton, without thought, without independence, without individuality, without internal fortitude, without sovereignty, without courage, without himself.

This, at the order of President Biden.

Is this the role of our elected representatives?  To destroy the ability of the electorate to think a thought? Is this the job of a President?  To destroy the cognition of the brightest among us?

And what of the man who set out to destroy my family from spite?  What of Brandan Pesa, an individual who wanted to annihilate my loved ones for no reason other than that I refused him?

Will no one hold him to account when the evidence is readily available?

Will no one retrieve the texts that are immediately available from the phone company?

Will no one speak the truth?

How many Americans has this one man destroyed through human trafficking?  How many?

How many more will he be allowed to destroy if we do not now stand together and say no?

And I cannot even begin to discuss what President Biden has done to my youngest son.  Not today.  It's too difficult.

That's not leadership from our President, people.

That is the betrayal of the most foundational vow to uphold and defend the most valuable riches we can ever claim -- the sanctity of the souls of the next generation.

If we cannot now together say that we defend our children -- then we will have failed to fulfill our most inviolable commitment.

I want to know that people care about my children and what has happened to them.

When I have asked for their restoration for months and years, I have not asked for this.

Is this what our nation owes to those who have the most courage among us to speak for our freedoms?

The torture of their children?

Is this the best our nation has to offer?

No, good people.  It is not.

Stand up in insisting to see the texts of this President to Brandan Pesa and Tom Lyons.

Stand up in insisting on the tangible evidence of the truth.

Insist that the OIG Hotline and others retrieve that evidence and present it to Congress.

Demonstrate that there is accountability from all who pledge to serve the Constitution and the public which relies on its promises.

Speak now with courage, with integrity, with honor, with benevolence, with insistence, with leadership.

Lane MacWilliams

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