My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Friday, September 6, 2024

President Biden, Please Recuse Yourself from All Decision-Making Regarding This Case; Allow Vice President Harris to Lead

 1.  You have been told that you are at active risk of AI-generated falsified law enforcement reporting, either through an AI-generated voice-over of a phone call that did not transpire, or through the co-opting of your IP addresses in impersonating you online.  Additionally, it has been suggested that AI-generated films and photos that co-opt your image continue to be generated, and that the FBI is making use of Wifi outages they themselves precipitate in order to suggest that you are hiding communications with unlawful content.

Answer:  All of these suggestions regarding falsified law enforcement reporting have been made to me, yes.  And for the record, I am not engaging in any unlawful communications and I am not hiding any communications.

2.  You have been informed that the CIA is now in charge of these falsifications.  Is that correct?  Do you notice any difference from when the FBI was the lead agency pertaining to this false evidence?

Answer:  I have been told that the CIA has been given control over these falsifications, yes.  And I do notice a difference -- mainly that the threats are more comprehensive and sudden.  For example, Caroline Gleich called me yesterday and left a voicemail that was immediately accompanied by a text and an email appearing to ask for a one-to-one conversation.  Perhaps if I had made a callback, I would have been routed to a staff member or a recording -- but the intent appears to have been to falsify my voice in such a manner as to portray me as unstable, threatening to a public official, or a danger to the public.

3.  The CIA reports to the ODNI, which is more closely controlled by President Biden than the OIG Hotline.  Is that correct?

Answer:  The ODNI operates hand-in-glove with the White House.  So this shift represents tighter control over predation now being assumed by President Biden, yes.  If the President directs ODNI investigators not to disqualify knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting concerning my family members or myself, that could translate to our deaths in very short order.  So the shift to the CIA from the FBI represents a significant move toward corruption on the part of the President, given that he could control all aspects of the false reporting involved. (*I would note here that I do not believe the Honorable Avril Haines supports falsified law enforcement reporting in any form from any source, and I do not believe that ODNI investigators should be constrained from disqualifying false reporting for any reason whatsoever.)

4.  Was it the CIA's intent that the overture from Caroline Gleich's campaign was to be followed immediately by a law enforcement raid?

Answer:  This is what was alleged to me, yes.

5.  A raid in which you were to be shot?

Answer:  This is what the FBI appeared to suggest, yes.

6.  Did the CIA have high-level authorization to deploy this scheme?

Answer:  I am told they did.  The CIA Director, William Burns, now holds a Cabinet level position, so he has a direct through-line to the President.  There's no lack of communication with the White House.

7.  Has the CIA been tasked with harming you in an effective political assassination?

Answer:  This is what the FBI alleges.

8.  What about your sons and MG?  Is it true that they are being harmed again in order to punish you as a whistleblower of the knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting of the FBI and its affiliates?  Is it true that they are being directed to cause harm to others as part of the Pxxxxxx Program, from which they should all be on hiatus at this time until your case is resolved?

Answer:  It has been suggested that all of this is an active risk.

9.  Has the harm of these three beloved young people also been approved by President Biden?

Answer:  The FBI alleges so.  Without active dialogue with an attorney regarding this matter, it seems reasonable to assume this information is correct.

10.  Why do you make that deduction?

Answer:  Because a government that intended to resolve this matter peaceably with me would be engaging in outreach through a lawful representative.  And I have not yet had that communication, even though it is clearly necessary at this time.

11.  Why is it clear to you that resolution of this matter is necessary at this time?

Answer:  Because there were once again signs of trespass onto my property last night by Special Forces.  So, it appears clear that there is an intention on the part of the President to take my life if at all possible.

12.  President Biden would have had to approve last night's trespass?

Answer:  Oh, yes.

13.  Why would he take this reprehensible approach when lawful means of resolution are open to him?

Answer:  Perhaps it has always worked for him before.  Perhaps, despite public words about the importance of democracy, this is a President who has been pursuing autocratic methods all the while.

14.  You do not believe that Vice President Harris supports methods involving such extreme abuses of power.

Answer:  I do not believe she agrees with the crimes President Biden is committing with regard to my case, no.  And I do not believe the vast majority of Americans would agree with these crimes either.  In fact, there is a real argument to be made that President Biden, in continuing to prey upon my family and me, is choosing to prioritize his legacy concerns over and above Kamala Harris' campaign for the Presidency.

15.  For a President who is allegedly so concerned about his legacy, perhaps President Biden should withdraw his authorization for the harm of your sons, MG, your husband and you yourself.  Perhpas he should withdraw his authorization for your sons and MG to cause harm to others through Pxxxxxx Program directives as well.

Answer:  Perhaps he should.

16.  What advice would you give to the Democrats and President Biden at this time?

Answer:  Open an immediate lawful and peaceable written communication with me through a high-level attorney, realtor or other ethical representative so that these matters can be properly resolved without further obstruction, prevarication, delay, or harm by the three-letter agencies or their affiliates.

17.  That sounds like wise and well-reasoned advice.

Answer:  I believe it represent the wise course, without question.  And beyond this, it represents a course that the President can reflect on without shame.

18.  You have been told that some individuals within the government are upset about your recent online revelations of their harms.

Answer:  Once lawful outreach is extended to me and certain harms are reversed, I will be delighted to remove certain disclosures from the public sphere.

19.  You're not interested in holding silent otherwise?

Answer:  Silence, without honorable engagement through President Biden's authorization, constitutes a death sentence -- a death sentence imposed over concerns for one man's profit, power, and legacy.  So, no.  There needs to be lawful and honorable engagement from the White House prior to the withdrawal of my Facebook and blog posts.

20.  Doesn't Vice President Harris deserve a President who is fully supporting her campaign through prioritizing honorable engagement with your case at this time?

Answer:  I believe she does.  And I believe all of America deserves a President who is prioritizing honorable engagement with me in this matter.

21.  Yet, you have taken great care to express that you do not believe that all of the initiatives of the three-letter agencies can be rendered public.

Answer:  Yes, I have.  I am sensitive to certain aspects of mission for these agencies.  Not all initiatives can be rendered public by any means.  The agencies do have a need for confidentiality.  But they also have a need for strong and ethical leadership, and that's what I am calling for at this time.

22.  You have asked for the recusal of President Biden from all aspects of your case due to his conflicts of interest, and you have requested that Vice President Harris be in charge of the resolution of these concerns instead.  Do you hold to that request?

Answer:  Emphatically.  Yes.  Vice President Harris should be making all decisions regarding my case at this time and onward.

23.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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