My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thirty-four Questions and Answers

 1.  What are your thoughts about the political situation in the United States at this time?

Answer:  It seems to me that politics have become entirely corrupted by organized crime.  President Biden appears to feel perfectly comfortable in directing the torture of my sons for falsified witness statements.  He also seems to feel perfectly comfortable in defying injunctive orders from the Supreme Court.  The character and integrity simply aren't present.

2.  Is Vice President Kamala Harris supporting his unconstitutional actions against your family?

Answer:  She is certainly not preventing them.

3.  A Supreme Court Justice apparently granted you injunctive relief in ordering on September 16, 2024 that your FOIA reports be provided to you on an immediate basis.  What happened after that?

Answer:  President Biden apparently stood in contempt of that order while going to a different Supreme Court Justice the following day and secretly asking that the exact same requests for injunctive relief be re-adjudicated.

4.  Yet that unconstitutional attempt was exposed, was it not?

Answer:  It was exposed, and I believe the second set of rulings was thrown out, as is appropriate.

5.  So now, are the injunctive orders of September 16, 2024 being followed?

Answer:  I do not have any sign that they are, no.  I have not been offered a safe place to live, even after President Biden ordered the dissemination of Paraquat at my residence on September 11, 2024 at 4:15 AM via helicopter, of all things.

6.  And weren't your sons harmed recently by the surgical implantation of communications devices in their ears?  In defiance of the injunctive relief granted to you on September 16, 2024?

Answer: This is what the FBI alleges, though I don't know the timing of President Biden's further crimes in this realm.

7.  Have your Freedom of Information Act reports been provided to you?

Answer:  No, they have not.

8.  And doesn't that stand in defiance of one of the main injunctive orders of the Supreme Court on September 16, 2024?

Answer:  The FBI appears to report that it does.

9.  Those FOIA reports are said to contain objective evidence that Brandan Pesa, corrupt FBI agent Tom Lyons, and President Biden all conspired to take your life and the lives of your family members.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Again, this is what the FBI has conveyed.

10.  So those men are highly unlikely to allow that evidence to reach your hands, given that they have no immunity from prosecution for these crimes.

Answer:  That's why I have asked for injunctive relief in which the judge requires follow-up proof that the FOIA reports have been delivered to me.

11.  Have you received new threats since your completion of this new petition for injunctive relief?

Answer:  Yes, I have.

12. Of what kind?

Answer:  Threats of a contaminated food and water supply, which would likely mean new rounds of Echinococcus multilocularis, Ophidascaris robertsi, and other serious parasites and contaminants.Visceral leishmaniasis has also been threatened, as has repeated HIV exposure through a high-tech vector or medical/dental vector, in addition to the withholding of cancer treatment and the overdose of my sons with medicine by a corrupt nurse, ketamine by corrupt law enforcement, or heroin or other drugs by corrupt Special Forces personnel.

13.  And haven't there been many other forms of death threatened against your sons and MG, as well as against you and your husband by the Biden administration?

Answer:  Many.

14.  So what do you think of President Biden's directives concerning your family?

Answer:  The President is acting like an organized crime boss, abusing his power to direct the killing of innocent Americans for his personal profit.  He stands in complete and utter defiance of the law in ignoring and attempting to circumvent Injunctive Orders by the Supreme Court.  He's acting as though he has complete Presidential immunity, when this has been refused to him by the Court.  So, he's treating murder as his preferred option.

15.  Did the President ask Hakeem Jeffries to suggest giving you a call?

Answer:  The FBI alleges that this conversation took place.

16.  And didn't you receive an email this morning from Hakeem Jeffries, appearing to ask if he could give you a call?

Answer:  I did.  Here it is: 

17.  How often do you think Hakeem Jeffries randomly calls constituents outside of his district?

Answer:  Never.  My assessment would be never.

18.  The FBI previously stated to you that any phone call you shared with a politician would quickly be falsified with an AI-generated audio track co-opting your voice threatening a public official.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Yes, it is.

19.  And supposedly, this AI-generated audio file, created with the President's authorization, was to lead to an immediate law enforcement raid on your home.  Is that correct?

Answer:  Yes.

20.  Was Hakeem Jeffries co-opted in such a scheme of falsified law enforcement reporting?

Answer:  The possibility is quite real.

21.  You are not free to speak to any public official over the phone because of this particular FBI threat, isn't that true?

Answer:  That is true, yes.

22.  The FBI has also appeared to convey that the President has directed the CIA to take out a contract on your life with the Italian mafia. Isn't that the information you received?

Answer:  It is. The FBI went so far as to specify that the CIA was utilizing a "black budget" so that the directive could not be traced back to the President, Brandan Pesa, or Tom Lyons.

23.  Is this contract referenced in the text thread between President Biden, Brandan Pesa and Tom Lyons that is now part of your FOIA report?

Answer: The FBI appears to allege that a passing reference is made to that arrangement within the text thread, yes.

24.  The FBI has also appeared to confess that, while the communications devices have been removed from your sons' molars, other devices have been surgically placed in their ears -- this despite the injunctive relief that was granted to you by the Supreme Court.  Isn't that true?

Answer:  The FBI has suggested these further crimes, yes.

25.  What is your perspective on this?

Answer:  After all the torturous and needless root canals the President ordered, he added more folly by directing a surgery on my sons' ears?  This is a leader who is clearly unfit.

26.  You feel he should resign immediately.

Answer:  If the Congress had done its job, he would be out.

27.  Yet, they have been reluctant to act.  Why is that?

Answer:  I'm sure the FBI and the CIA are threatening all the key figures and their family members, too.  The three letter agencies are functioning in an organized crime capacity.  There is no question about this.  These people are pursuing a malevolent and predatory agenda.  They have caused immense harm to the United States and others around the world.  And people are afraid to speak up about the source of the totalitarian threat we are currently facing.  But it originates within the FBI and the CIA.  

28.  For a while, early in President Biden's term, he seemed committed to telling the truth about this matter.

Answer:  My impression is that initially, he did.  Later, however, he fell into corruption involving the massive theft of public funds awarded in my name through the OIG Hotline and the ODNI investigations, while, according the to the FBI's comments on the text message thread, scheming with Brandan Pesa and corrupt FBI agent Tom Lyons to take my life and my family members' lives at the same time.

29.  And these are the crimes for which he now has no immunity?

Answer:  They are.

30.  These three men, President Biden, Brandan Pesa, and Tom Lyons, could easily go to prison for plotting attempted first-degree murder if you elect to charge them.

Answer:  Yes, they could.  There is no immunity for any of them.  They stand before the law as any American stands before the law, with accountability to those they intended to victimize.

31.  What needs to happen now?

Answer:  My FOIA reports need to come to me in complete form and on an immediate basis.  After that, a lawyer needs to reach out to me via email and introduce himself or herself in order to discuss the crimes that have been committed in this case.  Following that, investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI, including full disclosure that has been provided to the Supreme Court, need to be provided to me.  Beyond all of this, I need to have outreach on an immediate basis regarding a safe place for my family members and me to live, given the crimes that have been committed by this administration at our properties.  Additionally, my family members need to be restored to full health, and all communications devices forced upon my sons and MG need to be removed and not replaced.

32.  Will you update us with regard to any progress that is realized, assuming you are able to do so?

Answer:  I may be more free to update you with the news that no progress has been manifested, which is the current state of affairs.  President Biden stands in complete defiance of the Supreme Court currently, and I have had no fulfillment of the Injunctive Orders Extended by the Honorable Justice regarding my case.

33.  Perhaps your family's circumstance can soon change for the better.

Answer:  I certainly maintain hope that it can.

34.  Do you hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief?

Answer:  I do.

Lane MacWilliams

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