My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Request for Injunctive Relief, Part #9, September 18, 2024

 OIG Hotline, this Request for Injunctive Relief, without redactions, may be located within my gmail sent your Office's attention at 6:14 AM today, September 19, 2024, bearing the subject heading ATTN: OIG HOTLINE Re: Request for Injunctive Relief, September 19, 2024, Part #9, Confidential Re: Response to Defiance of Previous Injunctive Orders by the High Court.

Please note that I ask that no injunctive judgement in my favor be appealed or revoked as the result of this request for further injunctive relief.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams


OIG Hotline, I am informed that Bxxxxxx Pxxx is once again directing a false narrative of child abuse regarding my family.

Once again, the email communication below represents a dialogue with my son Duncan, who conveys his horror at the very possibility of having been abused as a child, and also his indignation at the thought that he could possibly report that to others.

My son Graham has denied being abused as a child many, many times in conversations the contents of which I have forwarded to your Office through audio recordings, texts, and transcripts, all.  I include the contents of one of our recent text conversations below, dated Thursday, September 12, 2024.

At the current time, Graham, to whom I am close, is being prevented from communicating freely with me. So, this is an extremely serious matter, given that the DoD is reported to have extracted falsehoods from both of my sons under threat of death on this very subject quite recently, and with President Biden's authorization.

Of further concern is the fact that Bxxxxxx Pxxx is said to be the father of a newborn girl currently.  

Psychopaths like Mr. Pxxx often "confess" their crimes through aggressive projection onto the innocent, and Mr. Pesa has appeared to admit to being a predatory pedophile in the past.

Is Mr. Pxxx sexually abusing his newborn child?  Is this the reason he is so intent on projecting these wrongful allegations once more onto my innocent family?

Is his wife aware of his history?  Is there a social worker involved?  Can Mr. Pxxx be directed to immediately separate from his household so as not to perpetrate further harm to his newborn?

Certainly, this is a man who is bound to be feeling serious concern over his alleged text messaging to corrupt FBI agent Txx Lxxxx and Pxxxxxxxx Bxxxx himself regarding plans of first degree murder against myself and my family.  Perhaps he realizes that he could lose his family and his freedom if these crimes come to light.

I have not revealed all of the most troubling aspects of Mr. Pxxx's situation, but suffice it to say for this moment that the Pxxxxxxxx has enabled Mr. Pxxx's crimes in some extremely troubling ways.

I have asked that my FOIA reports be provided to me in accordance with my request for injunctive relief, which was perhaps granted by the High Court on September 16, 2024.

Given the apparent failure of the FBI and the DoD to stop threatening my sons and MG, I must ask for injunctive relief that prevents Pxxxxxxxx Bxxxx from issuing any directives regarding my sons and MG whatsoever.  His conflicts of interest in this circumstance are too extensive, and he exhibits no capacity for restraint or remorse regarding his previous crimes.

The idea that my sons would once again have their lives threatened in order for this corrupt Pxxxxxxxx to coerce yet further false witness statements from them is heartbreaking -- and not only for my family, but also for the nation as a whole.  It debases the very Office of the Pxxxxxxxxx.

Beyond the threats to their lives connected to the demand for newly falsified witness statements, the FBI now alleges that one or both of my sons have had communications devices of some kind surgically implanted in their inner ears, in defiance of an order for injunctive relief which I believe to have been granted on September 16, 2024 by the High Court.

I respectfully request that those who took these actions, and those who authorized them, be held in contempt of Court, with all the penalties affiliated with their defiance of the Honorable Justice's injunctive ruling.

Bxxxxxx Pxxx is obviously quite ill from a psychiatric perspective, and his family needs immediate intervention.

And Txx Lxxxx, too, is liable for his gross abuse of power in continuing obstinately to present knowingly false evidence in court settings, intended to result in my family's physical harm, MG's physical harm and my own.

As part of the injunctive relief I now request in this circumstance, I would ask that -- given that my sons and MG have been subjected to torture by this Pxxxxxxxx and those he has authorized -- no further witness statements by them be accepted by any law enforcement authority, law enforcement affiliate or Court regarding alleged child abuse. This is a false claim, and one they have acknowledged in writing and in person. They should also be prevented from filing witness statements pertaining to terrorism or espionage, given that all such claims pertaining to our family are false.  This prohibition against further witness statements making any of these false claims should help to shore up their safety and our own.

It would appear that, in an attempt to justify further harm against my family rather than face their own crimes as proven within materials responsive to my FOIA requests, Pxxxxxxxx Bxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx and Txx Lxxxx have once again turned their predatory focus toward my sons and MG.

That said, as part of this request for injunctive relief, I ask that the government be forced to remove any and all communications devices implanted in the ears or dental work of my sons on an immediate basis, with no other communications devices to replace them, either now or in the future.

Most fundamentally, I need the provision of FOIA reports in their entirety in order to prevent further harm to my family.

Given that FOIA materials did not arrive on September 17, 2024 or September 18, 2024, I would respectfully request that the Honorable Justice require the ODNI to send all responsive materials to me via messenger on an emergency basis, with confirmation of messenger delivery to my home provided to the Court on an immediate basis, to be confirmed by me.

All of our lives remain under threat in the absence of the fulfillment of my Freedom of Information Act requests on an immediate basis.

The Pxxxxxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx and Txx Lxxxx will not stop in their attempt to obstruct this provision.  Given that they have no immunity, they will continue to attempt to block the conveyance to me of hard evidence of their planned crimes against my family.

They must be overruled in order to uphold the right of the American electorate to view the details of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting that are being actively wielded against the public for totalitarian ends.

Thank you for allowing me to extend this further request for injunctive relief.  I remain deeply concerned about the wellbeing of my sons and MG at this time.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

The following text conversation with my son Graham MacWilliams took place on Thursday, September 12, 2024.  While his responses are definitely being limited by his CIA handler Max, Graham still heroically refuses to lie: 

In addition, I texted my son Graham the following at 5:20 AM on the morning of September 19, 2024:

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