OIG Hotline, please be apprised that this message has already been erased in its entirety once, apparently by the FBI.
Please see below my call log from my cell phone 415-963-1467 indicating unrecognized calls from yesterday, September 4, 2024 and today, September 5, 2024.
The voice-to-text translation from Caroline Gleich's call today, asking for a call back and providing two numbers in an apparent invitation to a one-to-one phone conversation is alleged by the FBI to represent an attempt to misportray me as mentally unbalanced, threatening to a public official, or a danger to the public -- none of which I am.
The FBI alleges that President Biden provided his full authorization for this alleged attempt to take my life, conveying that this phone call was to be followed rapidly by an AI-generated audio recording created by FBI affiliates, co-opting my voice to make statements that were not my own. Further, the FBI alleges that the law enforcement raid which was to immediately follow was intended to result in my shooting by corrupt law enforcement officials.
Ms. Gleich references a "generous" contribution during her voice message -- which I did not make.
In response to this apparent aggression, I published a new post on my blog entitled "FBI Claims of Obstructed FEC Investigation."
Please note that my response to a Democratic Party survey, written this morning and included below, to an online DSCC questionnaire addressing knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting pertains to the issues I think candidates should be raising, not the issues I myself should be raising.
So the apparent immediate attempt to take my life based on a non-existent threat to a public official reflects mistaken, poorly conceived, and failed judgement on the part of institutional leadership.
I will be publishing this information on my blog in an effort to improve my security under the current circumstances.
But I would caution the FBI, the CIA, the DoD and others to try to think analytically and objectively about my writings, eschewing a paranoid or illogical frame of mind.
I do realize that the truth can be threatening to those who have abandoned it. But I am here to say that that abandonment is unacceptable from President Biden, from the Democratic Party, and from the FBI, CIA, and DoD.
I have been told that certain people are upset that I did not redact my inclusion of F760 among the tangible harms the FBI has caused to my health in recent documentation. Yet, President Biden, who authorized this particular harm, has had plenty of time in which to reverse it. He has failed to do so.
It is not my obligation to continue to be victimized by a corrupt President seeking to profit from my suffering or demise, or the suffering or demise of my family members, who have allegedly also been targeted with F760.
For the general public, F760 involves an alteration of a victim's foundational health, dramatically increasing inflammation, causing kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, eyesight deterioration leading to blindness, and vulnerability to numerous autoimmune diseases including lupus, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, scleroderma, and others.
In other words, to convey F760 to a victim is to perpetrate a murder attempt. It may take a little while to kill someone through these means, but not long.
Again, President Biden authorized this harm knowing perfectly well that I have stood as a highly honorable and law-abiding whistleblower on behalf of Americans as a whole.
And, knowing that I was suffering from this deployment, he failed to reverse it.
I don't think our corrupt President gets a free pass on this matter.
And I don't think the FBI does either.
I will be posting this information on my Facebook page shortly in an effort to increase my security at this time.
Thank you for allowing me to document these serious concerns.
Most sincerely,
Lane MacWilliams
The issue of the perpetration of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting by the FBI and its affiliates should be front and center in this election, in my opinion. These broad-scale falsifications are not needed for the substantive goals of the three-letter agencies at this time, and they will substantively damage all longterm freedoms of mankind if they are not addressed. I do comprehend the challenges the three-letter agencies are facing at this time with regard to mission. But for these institutions to be lying about honorable Americans in order to justify their wrongful harm does not meaningfully contribute to that mission, and it greatly impedes the sovereignty and liberty of human society, both now, and, owing to the advent of AI in all of these programs of false reporting, into the indefinite future. In other words, if we do not get this right now, we will not get it right at all. So our leaders need to demonstrate the courage to tackle this issue, while still acknowledging that we need the FBI, the CIA and DoD in many important and undeniable initiatives. This problem must be addressed with the agencies’ full participation, and not kept secret from the public. Again, there is no “greater good” to which these programs contribute, despite what the agency leadership may have been told. So, we need to attempt to understand that many within the three-letter agencies have been misled with regard to the intent and effect of these programs. And we need to realign with the truth in an effort to strengthen the integrity of our government institutions and reconfirm the sanctity of our human bonds within the electorate.

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