My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Texts to My Sons, Redacted, September 14, 2024

OIG Hotline, please be apprised that this communication was deleted from my email this morning by a third party without my foreknowledge, participation or consent:

OIG Hotline, please be apprised of the content of texts I sent to my sons this morning, September 14, 2024.  Because the FBI alleges that (redacted content) is still attempting to entrap and harm my family members, I have requested hiatus for three repeatedly, as you know.  My sons and MG must have no contact with their hxxxxxxs or their hxxxxxxs' affiliates whatsoever until my case is lawfully and honorable resolved to my satisfaction.

Yet, the FBI continues to allege that they are unsafe due to onling collusion among Tom Lyons, Brandan Pesa, and (redacted content).  If it is possible for your Office to aggregate the text communications of the last week, this would assist.  Txx Lxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx and (redacted content) may have moved their messaging to an alternative encrypted platform, bu the information is still recoverable if it is promptly sought, as you know.

The lives of my sons and MG may now depend on this fact-finding, as you know.

The problem for the FBI is that the agency is perpetrating human trafficking much more broadly than already discovered.  A significant segment of the agency is, in truth, an arm of organized crime, originating and profiting from human trafficking and drug trafficking crimes affiliated with one or more foreign adversaries of the United States.

Corrupt FBI agent Txx Lxxxx and Russian-affiliated organized crime boss Bxxxxxx Pxxx sit right at the nexus of that corruption, and parts of their communications are no doubt indicative of monetary flows between the FBI and organized crime.  The presence of (redacted content) in their dialogue should be deeply troubling to the nation as a whole.

Internationally, we have always allowed the CIA to participate in drug trafficking as a way of controlling certain foreign affiliates, and this has been a terrible policy error, present from the CIA's founding.

So we now have a circumstance in which these agencies are threatening the freedom and security of everyone, domestically and elsewhere.

I will appreciate the active involvement of the Vice President in ensuring that, under these remarkable circumstances, my sons and MG are on hiatus from all government programs, that none of their witness statements are accepted as valid, given the torture they have experienced from their hxxxxxxs, and that they are to have no contact whatsoever with their hxxxxxxs or their affiliates until my case can be lawfully and honorably resolved.

Thank you very much for your support with these critical concerns.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

LM to DSM:

D, I have asked for hiatus for you and M and G in all regards.  I hope this has been extended to you.  If this has not been extended to you, I need you to get word to me immediately, please.

You need to be apprised of an article in today's New York Times regarding a baggage scam.  This could apply to both domestic and international travel.  Please read "A Chxxx Stopover Turns into a Life Sentence."  You need locks and identifiers on your own luggage, and you need NEVER to carry a package or bag at the directive of Tom Lyons, the FBI or their organized crime affiliates. (I know it is extremely difficult to tell the difference between the FBI and organized crime, since they commit all the same crimes.)

D, you need to know that Txx Lxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx, and a third person have been caught in predatory human trafficking crimes through text messaging.  There is no immunity for these crimes.  These men are liable if prosecuted.  Because a young woman you know was the target of these crimes, the men involved are going to try to implicate you of wrongdoing in order to obtain leverage in this situation.

This is the reason your hiatus is absolutely necessary.

Do not travel for Txx Lxxxx.  Do not buy a cup of coffee at his directive, drive a car at his directive, brush your teeth at his directive, or go on a walk at his directive.  Do not follow the directives of anyone he knows or possibly could know.

Hiatus means NO CONTACT.


LM to GTM:

G, sweetheart, I need to let you know that Txx Lxxxx, Bxxxxxx Pxxx and a third person were recently caught, through investigators' acquisition of text messaging, in the perpetration of serious crimes against a young woman our family knows.  There is no immunity for these crimes due to their nature.  These men are liable if prosecuted.  As a result, there may be a heightened attempt to direct you to commit malfeasance or break the law at the directive of your hxxxxxx.  It is critical that you tell him NO.

I have asked for HIATUS for you and D and M in all respects.  Do not travel for your hxxxxxx.  Do not buy a cup of coffee at his directive, drive a car at his directive, or go on a walk at his directive.  Do not follow the directives of anyone he knows or possibly could know.

Hiatus means NO CONTACT.

If hiatus has not been extended to you, I need you to let me know immediately, please.

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