My Third Novel's Conclusion, My Heartbreak

My heart begins to break when I think about completing this particular book -- because this narrative has sustained me like no other story I've known. It's both more personal and more universal than my other works. But beyond memory and archetype, it's a cri-de-coeur about needing to become the person one is destined to be. And in the writing, I have met my own life's work, my own fated journey -- having the sense all the while that the pages are suffused with a resonance, an energy, an electrified field that defies explanation. Writers hope and pray to be overtaken by a work in this way -- to be conscripted into passionate service of a profound story. To experience it even once in a lifetime seems a great privilege. I still have several months before this novel is complete, and this constitutes my reprieve. Because I'm not ready for the beauty to end.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Statement of Appeal, September 1, 2024, 6:18 PM Pacific Time

This document serves as my Statement of Appeal dated September 1, 2024 regarding an alleged concealed court proceeding in which false evidence was recently presented pertaining to my family members and/or myself.

The alleged outcome of this knowingly corrupted proceeding was the judicial approval of an overnight DEW deployment against my family members and/or myself, according to FBI assertions regarding this matter, in addition to further harms alleged to be related to pathogen/contaminant dissemination through what the FBI alleges to be chimney flue access.  An insect vector of illness or harm identified as "flies" has been specifically threatened.  It's not clear to me whether a dangerous form of leishmaniasis, which the FBI has threatened previously, is the objective.  Arson is also being threatened by the FBI.

Centrally at issue is the fact that on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, I filed an FEC complaint against the Biden Administration for abuses of campaign financing relating to its involvement in directing knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting about my family members and/or myself, and subsequently failing to disallow that false information.

On August 30, 2024, I forwarded my FEC complaint to two journalists with a request that they encourage the FEC's investigation of this matter.

My FEC complaint follows a long history of financial settlements and penalties extended in my name by the Investigations Division of the Office of the Inspector General Hotline of the U.S. DOJ and the Investigations Division of the ODNI, all as the result of truthful investigations finding that I am a lawful and highly honorable person, as is my husband.

Recently, the FBI is reported to have, at President Biden's direction, produced and aggregated one or more knowingly false AI-generated films and AI-generated audio segments depicting me and/or my husband committing crimes of which we have no knowledge whatsoever.

Simultaneously, the FBI reports that the Pxxxxxx Program has, also at the direction of the President, placed wrongful "evidence" of some kind on or in my family property on Cape Cod, as well as on or in my property in Portola Valley, CA.

The FBI claims that both of my sons have been coerced, again at President Biden's direction and under active and ongoing threat to their lives, to file knowingly false witness statements regarding their childhoods and/or their observations of my conduct or that of their father.

This destruction of our family bonds due to President Biden's avarice and corruption is, quite frankly, appalling.

The FBI alleges that President Biden is currently consumed by fears surrounding his "legacy concerns," and that he is particularly worried about the choice he made to forcibly "recruit" both of my sons to provide false reporting following my identification as a whistleblower of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting by the FBI and its affiliates.  His subsequent authorization of their torture and harm is not likely to sit well with the American public regarding a President who often speaks publicly of the importance of freedom.

The FBI alleges that President Biden's second set of major concerns relates to his authorization of the chemical contamination of my property, recently described under a blog post entitled "The Land Is Your Land."  According to the agency, President Biden fears that he will be seen as disloyal to the nation in his perpetration of these acts, and not merely destructive to my family.

Included herewith is an example of wildlife deformity apparent within the asymmetry of this buck's antlers, a problem which is known to be caused by chemical environmental stressors.  I have experienced many instances of low-flying helicopters over my home, contemporaneous with FBI threats of the dissemination of dangerous "forever chemicals" over my house and my entire 3 and 1/2 acre property.

President Biden has failed to allow provision of my FOIA reports responsive to my requests of the ODNI, and he has also failed to allow provision of investigative reports from the OIG Hotline and the ODNI Investigations Divisions, despite a lawful requirement that these be extended to me.

The FBI indicates that the reason for this failure pertains to a collusive decision on the part of President Biden to take my life and those of my immediate family members over a relatively short period of time, thus allowing him to appropriate funds awarded in my name over the matter of knowingly falsified law enforcement reporting, for which I have long stood as a whistleblower as described.

On Wednesday, in my filing of an FEC complaint against the Biden Administration, I signaled that the President's totalitarian crimes regarding this matter are unacceptable to me, as I feel they will be unacceptable to the nation as a whole.

I rendered my complaint more publicly available on August 30, 2024 by contacting journalists and placing the text of my complaint on Facebook in an effort to ensure that any and all concealed judicial proceedings intended to result in my harm or the harm of my family members be appealed and reversed.

I respectfully request that my complaint to the FEC be included within my appeal, that the OIG Hotline include with this material my own sons' vigorous denials of any mistreatment as children, and that my writings under the title "This Land Is Your Land" also be included within appeal materials.  Further, my communication to your Office, sent at 8:43 PM, Pacific time, on August 30, 2024, entitled URGENT ATTN: OIG HOTLINE and ODNI Investigators, Confidential Re: GTM and DSM, August 30, 2024, contains information that the Court may wish to examine pertaining to retaliatory acts against my both of my sons, given my exposure of the President's conduct.

This afternoon, September 1, 2024, I received yet further threats pertaining to my sons:  that the colorectal cancer of my older son, caused by high radiation exposures perpetrated by the FBI, will not be treated; that the lymphatic cancer of my younger son, caused by high radiation exposures perpetrated by the FBI, will not be treated; that the alleged HIV exposure of my older son through his Friday, August 30, 2024 appointment with dentist Dr. Davis Beckstead at CIA directive will not be treated; that my younger son will be directed to cause yet further harms to others by his FBI handler Tom Lyons at Brandan Pesa's directive, or through Pxxxxxx Program directives; that my older son will be directed by his CIA handler Max to take his own life, or to utilize a "ghost weapon" or a knife in a manner directed by Max precisely; that both of my sons will be coerced, under threat of death, into providing yet more knowingly falsified witness statements about us as their loving parents.

For the record, we are not spies, terrorists, human traffickers, thieves, abusers, predators, liars, adulterers, or murderers.

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

This is a photo, taken by my husband, of my children together with me at a Thanksgiving Day parade in Los Gatos in 1999.

We enjoyed a beautiful family life when my sons were young, filled with books and music and painting and imagination and discovery and travel and laughter and deep and abiding love.

This government cannot erase those years or the love that shaped them.

And it represents a gross distortion of the role of government to torture family members into lying about one another in return for the promise of living one more day.

No President should be empowered to prey upon American families in this manner.

No White House should be enabled to harm highly honorable members of the electorate who are attempting to protect the freedoms of others by supporting integrity in law enforcement reporting. 

 President Biden's choices in this matter to disqualify false reporting so long as it profited him and to encourage false reporting the minute he felt it necessary to take our lives for his personal profit and that of the Democratic Party stand as the worst set of crimes I have ever heard of pertaining to any sitting American President.

According to the FBI, President Biden has presided over the largest theft of public funds in any historical time frame, in any nation on earth, and, according to the agency, he has attempted first degree murder in order to facilitate that process.

That is a memorable legacy, but an ignominious one.

The fact that President Biden appears to have earned it gives me no pleasure whatsoever.

The question of why he has been allowed to persist in these predations, why those with better judgment have not halted this corruption, who within the Democratic Party has wrongfully accepted funds to support their campaigns or their retirements -- all of this has yet to be answered.

It is my hope that the FEC and certain investigative journalists can assist with that process.

Certainly, the American people deserve leadership with honor, integrity and courage, and foremost among them, so do my family and I.

Accordingly, I will appreciate the appeal of all charges the specifics of which I do not know.

I hereby faithfully attest that I am a highly honorable whistleblower, and that I have upheld lawful conduct in every way, shape and form.  

I hereby contest the claims of any person who suggests otherwise as knowingly, willfully and categorically false.

Most sincerely,

Lane MacWilliams

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